Chapter 29: Walk On Water

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A few days had passed, and Hashirama was busy in his office going over some paperwork. It was a peaceful morning, as he was the only one in his office at the moment.

He enjoyed peace and quiet every now and then, especially since he had come to the decision to stop investigating the Hidden Sand Incident. He had spoken with Yuno about it, and of course, she wasn't pleased about it, but she understood.

Hashirama sat at his desk, his eyes scanning a document. His brow was furrowed slightly in concentration, but his expression was otherwise serene. He was wearing his usual attire, a simple white kimono with a green haori over it. His long, dark hair was tied back in a loose ponytail.

Hurried footsteps shattered the silence. Hashirama looked up to see Ayumi burst into the room. She was panting heavily, and her face was flushed.

"Lord Hashirama!" she exclaimed.

Hashirama rose from his chair, his eyes widening in concern. "Ayumi, what is it?" he asked.

Ayumi took a deep breath to steady herself. "It's Izuna," she said. "He found out about the meeting."

Hashirama's expression darkened. "How?" he asked.

Ayumi shook her head. "I'm not sure," she said. "But he knows that you've been meeting with his elder brother recently."

Hashirama sighed and rubbed his temples. "This is not good," he said. "Izuna is going to be furious."

He paced back and forth across the room, his hands clasped behind his back. His brow was furrowed in thought.

"What should we do, Lord Hashirama?" Ayumi asked.

Hashirama stopped pacing and turned to face her. For now, don't do anything; let me handle the situation from here.

Ayumi nodded. "I understand," she said. "I'll go now, sir. She turned and hurried out of the office.

Hashirama sat back down at his desk and leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed to calm down. This was not the way he wanted Izuna to find out about the meetings that had been going on between him and Madara. His main concern now was that Izuna was telling Yuno about it.

He opened his eyes and stood up. He walked over to the window and looked out at the village below. He could see people going about their daily lives, unaware of the internal conflicts that were brewing within the clan.

The weight of secrecy hung heavy on Hashirama's shoulders as he contemplated his next move. He knew he had to confront Izuna and address the situation before it spiraled out of control.


Alright, you three. I'm glad you can all meet me here on time.

Yuno stood on the shore of the lake, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She was glad that her three students, Yuki, Ichiro, and Haru, had all arrived on time. They were all talented young ninjas, and she was eager to teach them this new technique.

But why are we meeting by the lake instead of the training grounds?" Yuki asked.

Yuno smiled. "Well, that's a great question," she said. "Remember three days ago when we practiced how to channel our chakra to climb up?"

The three students nodded.

"Well, today we are going to be doing another exercise very similar, except we are going to be learning how to use our chakra to walk on water. The lake here is the perfect place to practice because it's quiet and there are no distractions."

Yuki, Ichiro, and Haru exchanged excited glances. They had all heard stories of ninjas who could walk on water, but they had never thought that they would be able to learn how to do it themselves.

Yuno took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She focused her chakra and imagined herself walking on the surface of the water. When she opened her eyes, she stepped forward and placed her foot on the water.

To their surprise and delight, she didn't sink. She took another step, and then another. Soon, she was walking across the lake as if she were walking on solid ground.

Yuki, Ichiro, and Haru watched in amazement. They couldn't believe that Yuno was actually walking on water.

"It's amazing!" Yuki exclaimed.

"How do you do it?" Ichiro asked.

"It's all about controlling your chakra," Yuno said. "You need to focus your chakra on the soles of your feet and create a cushion of chakra that will support you on the water."

Yuki, Ichiro, and Haru closed their eyes and focused their chakras. They took a deep breath and stepped onto the water. At first, they wobbled and teetered, but they quickly regained their balance. Soon, they were all walking across the lake, side by side with Yuno.

They were doing well until Yuno, Haru, and Yuki all heard a splashing sound of water behind them. Turning their heads, they found Ichiro had lost control of his chakra and fell in.

Yuki's eyes widened in shock, and her body language tightened. She had been so focused on her own training that she hadn't noticed Ichiro struggling.

Haru, on the other hand, burst out laughing. He couldn't help himself. It was just too funny to see Ichiro fall into the lake. Haru's laughter was loud and boisterous. He doubled over, clutching his stomach. He even started to cry tears of laughter.

Yuno frowned at Haru. "Haru, stop it," she said. "That's not nice."

But Haru couldn't stop laughing. He laughed until his sides hurt.

Ichiro climbed out of the lake, his face dripping wet. He looked at Haru with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

"What's so funny?" Ichiro asked.

Haru wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothing," he said. "It's just... you look ridiculous."

Ichiro's face turned red with anger. "Shut up, Haru!" he shouted.

But Haru just kept laughing.

Yuno shook her head and took a step next to Haru on the water. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he looked over at her. She smiled at him, then released her hand.

Suddenly, Haru lost his balance and fell into the water, releasing a big splash into the air. He resurfaced, coughing up some water.

Ichiro began to laugh at Haru. "Ah, look who fell now!" he said, pointing at him.

"Mom!" Haru cried, looking up at his mother, who was now towering over him in the lake.

"Remember Haru It's Sensei while we are training or on missions," Yuno corrected him.

"Come on, Ichiro," Yuno said, her voice calm and reassuring. "Just remember to remain calm and focused." She reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, her fingers squeezing gently.

"Now then, you three, keep on trying to focus your chakra on the soles of your feet," she continued, her tone turning more instructional. "Once you see that you're pretty stable, first practice walking along the lake."

Yuno scanned the three genin, her eyes sharp. She could see the determination on their faces, but she also knew that this was a difficult task, for inexperienced ninjas.

"Are you going to be practicing with us?" Yuki asked, her voice hesitant. She was the only one who hadn't messed up so far.

Yuno shook her head. "I'll be watching from over there under the tree for now," she said, gesturing towards a shady spot nearby. "I showed you three how to do it, so now I'm going to let you practice on your own."

She paused, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "Any questions?"

The three genin shook their heads.

"Alright then, good luck," Yuno said.

She turned and walked away, her footsteps light on the grass. She found a spot under the tree and sat down, leaning her back against the trunk. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of the breeze on her face and the sound of the leaves rustling overhead.

She felt at peace.

Then, she heard a voice.


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