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"I just ordered some pizza, do you want any?" At least the best thing Ryujin could do is offer the model some food.

Yeji looks up from the book she's studying from. "No thank you."

"You haven't eaten anything at all today?" The pink haired finally makes it to the bottom of the stairs, sitting on one of the bean bags she brought from home.

The older shrugs. "I have tennis practice tomorrow morning anyways, I'll grab something on the way."

"Suit yourself." Ryujin grabs the tv remote that was sitting on the coffee table.

Turning it on, the younger starts switching through channels. Which led to a very maximizing volume for each channel.

"Can you stay on one channel please?" Yeji glares at the younger. "I'm trying to study."

The pink haired ponders for a quick couple of seconds before letting out a blunt "no".

"Shin, why can't you just go upstairs and do something useful there?"

"Cause I'm bored up there."

The tennis player rolls her eyes. She has been doing so for the past day so far. "How about you study for a change?"

"I think I'm good," Ryujin continues to look through the channels. "Ugh! Why isn't the pizza guy here yet?"

"Maybe cause he knows how much of a rebel you are and got scared."

The younger scrunches her face, feeling offended. "I am not a rebel!"

"Everyone in our community says you are." Yeji calmly responds, looking back in her book.


The older sighs, shaking her head as she curses the younger in her head. Ryujin smirks in victory, well she thinks.

Hearing the doorbell ring, the artist runs to the kitchen to grab a plate. "Get the door!"

"I didn't hear a please."


The model, already annoyed gets up from the couch as she walks over to get the door.

"Hi, order for-woah." The pizza delivery boy looks at the cat eyed girl. "You're beautiful."

Ryujin freezes while getting the plates out.

"Oh, thank you...Yeonjun?" Yeji looks at the name tag then back up at the boy. "I like your hair."

Yeonjun smiles, his lips curving in an attractive way as he hands the receipt and pen, indicating her to sign. "Thank you! I was thinking of going yellow soon."

"Yellow suits your face." Yeji flatly responds as she signs the receipt.

The younger in the kitchen mocks Yeji silently, a slight pout on her lips as she walks out.

The blue haired shyly nods, looking at the cat eyed girl. "Could I get your number?"

"Woah there buddy!" Ryujin places the plates on the table, rushing towards Yeji's side. "Just give us the pizza and leave dude."

Yeonjun just stares which cause the pink haired girl to grab the pizza from his hands, slamming the door on him.

"I told you to get the door not flirt with the pizza guy." Ryujin turns around, pizza in her hand as she walks away to place it on the coffee table in the living room.

The cat eyed girl doesn't say anything, walking back to her place on the couch.

"At least eat something," Ryujin grabs the plates that she set on the table earlier, handing it to Yeji with a pizza slice on it. "One pizza can't hurt!"

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