sixty seven

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Yeji stares at the male intensely whose holding her chin up. Both their eyes melt into one another while the camera shutters all so sudden, flashing lights and the fan making the shot mesmerizing and incredible to look at. The male model switches his hand position to make it seem like he's stroking the cat eyed in which the female proceeds to position her hand on the male's collar of his shirt.

"Jeno, try to make it look like she's delicate to touch!" The director yells from where he's at while one of the staff members fixes the lighting setting of the lights above and in front of them.

The male gently does as he is told to and while stroking the female's hair, he looks into her eyes with a longing glance. Yeji's lips are slightly parted as she too looks into Jeno's eyes longingly.

"Perfect! One more shot!" The older man encourages the two models.

The cat eyed grabs the handsome male's hand and positions it close to her lips. Jeno giggles at his friend's antics, his eye smile appearing as the director clicks his camera at the scene in front of him.

"This is nice! Let's get another one with Yeji sitting on the kitchen countertop."

Jeno gets off the prop couch, holding out his hand for Yeji to grab onto. The female smiles in response, grabbing onto the male's hand as he pulls her up. They both hear another shutter in which they look over at the front.

"Natural is good too!" The director shrugs, fixing his camera lens afterwards while waiting for the two models to get in position.

Yeji makes a face which results in her friend laughing at her antics while they both walk over to the "kitchen" of the set. The cat eyed model props herself on top of the countertop, resting both her hands beside her on the counter. Jeno, however, leans in, placing his hands on top of the female's.

The director changes the camera's leans, signaling a staff member to adjust the lighting to encapsulate the two beautiful human beings in this room rather than the setting. He squints, making sure the angling looks good before getting ready to snap it.

"Good! Jeno, touch your nose slightly against her cheek! Yeji, I want you to close your eyes upon the touch!"

Yeji does as she is told, trying her best to not let out a laugh.

"It's okay if you let out a laugh or two! We want this to be different and new from your image!"

Hearing a shutter go off, the two models laugh while pulling away from one another.

"Perfect job! Excellent work, you two! Thank you for taking the time to come today." The middle-aged man walks away from his camera, holding both his hands out towards the male and female. "I will send you the final cuts of the pictorial."

The cat resembling girl and the puppy resemblance boy extend their hands out as well, shaking hands with the man known to photograph and direct most of the Dior's shots. "I'd love to work with the two of you again."

Jeno lets out a chuckle, throwing his head back at the compliment before he turns his gaze to the blonde haired. "I have to give credit to Yeji; she made this shoot an enjoyable one."

Yeji snorts at her friend's words, dismissing it with a shake. "To be fair, it was because of Jeno and you, director-nim. Without your orders, the shoot would not have gone smoothly nor be enjoyable."

"You sure know your choice of words." The director chuckles, grabbing his camera bag and slinging it around his shoulders. "I hope to see the both of you again."

Both Jeno and Yeji once again bows at the older man, waiting for him to leave the shooting room before they let out a breath of relief. Feeling exhausted from the shoot, Yeji just wants to go home.

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