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Ryujin sits down on the bleachers, watching the way the tennis player hits the balls over the net. She doesn't miss the hint of determination written all over the cat eyed girl and she finds herself fawning over the tennis player. 

Seeing how Yeji gently tosses her tennis racket on the ground and walks over to where the ball launcher is and shutting it off, Ryujin sits up straight knowing that they're going to finally talk. The younger watches how Yeji is wiping off her sweat with a towel and she watches the way the older is drinking water. 

How could one look so good drinking water, she wonders. 

The silver haired takes her hair tie out, letting the beautiful light locks fall naturally down her neck. Walking over to where Ryujin sits on the bleachers, the silver haired takes a seat right besides her arranged partner. 

"Ever since earlier today with the others talking about you, I think we should keep the divorce in private." Yeji calmly states, looking down at the way their knees are almost touching. "I don't want to end this on any bad notes." 

Ryujin can't bring herself to say anything because she obviously knows she's going to look like an idiot crying in front of the girl she cheated on. 

"Ryujin?" The older whispers softly, now looking at the way the short haired is sitting blankly. 

The art major forces herself to look up, seeing the way Yeji's eyes are still filled with the sincere look since the night they confessed to one another. And she wishes she could travel back in time to that night instead of living in the future. 

"I can't divorce you, Yeji.." Ryujin lowly says, filling like her heart has gotten shot. "And I know I should but I can't bring myself to it." 

She notices the way Yeji stiffens a bit. 

"Ryujin, you slept with another woman." The model states, looking at her partner. "I can brush past kissing but sleeping with someone is a whole different thing. You just can't go around sleeping with anyone, especially when you're married." 

God, Ryujin knows this very well. She doesn't know what happened that night, if she's being honest. All she understood was comforting Heejin by talking about their high school days and the older suddenly broke their embrace, handing the artist a drink that night. After that drink, they both took an edible from who knows how long ago it was. 

And then she blacked out; waking up naked next to Heejin. She didn't understand how it happened or if her and Heejin really did sleep with one another. 

All of it is a whim to Ryujin. 

"It just has me wondering..was there something I wasn't pleasing you in?" Yeji asks, her face looking defeated at the idea that she wasn't being the best wife she could be for Ryujin. "Was I doing something wrong? Were you getting tired of me?" 

The art major shakes her head immediately, grabbing the older's hand in a panic. "Yeji, no. God, you're the best wife anyone could ever have. None of it was because of you. Something happened that night that I still don't understand but I'm living up to my own actions now. I'm sorry you're hurting cause of me." 

Yeji watches the way Ryujin's lips are quivering in way to not let herself cry in front of her. She lets out a silent sigh, using her free arm to wrap around the younger's frame. "You know, I'm always going to be here for you, okay? Go ahead and cry, I'll be right here next to you." 

"Yeji, you were always my first love. It was always you."

The older lets that sink into her for a few seconds before letting out a small nod. "And you were mines too, did you know?" 

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