twenty six

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Ryujin is dreading at the fact that she has to see Yeji right after the basketball team's last practice for the school year. Gosh, why does the cat eyed girl has to be on the student government team and knows when each athlete team has their practices or not?

Worst of all, she knows Ryujin's exact schedule during the festival. This has got to be one of the worst days yet! 

Hyeju didn't show up to practice either but Ryujin could care less about that, considering their interaction back on campus was a bit weird and gave an iffy feeling to the basketball player.

The blue haired lets out an exasperated groan while closing her locker, grabbing the attention of one of her teammates.

"Nervous for your first time too?" Mijung looks at the star player in worried eyes.

Ryujin just lets out a nod, turning to the bangs haired girl. "Mijeong-ah, what would you do if you and Jimin were in a fight and she still came to pick you up from school?"

"Uhh..I would still get in her car?" The said girl raises one of her brows up. "Why? Did you and one of your girl toys get in an argument or something?"

The artist rolls her eyes, glaring at her friend. "Why does everyone think everything is about a girl toy?"

"Because you're named one of the biggest players in our grade." Mijeong sarcastically says.

Ryujin sighs, nodding at her past self during the first weeks of college. "Okay, I admit that. But this question is serious!"

"Just apologize even though you're aren't wrong and and you never gave a girl your Instagram but somehow you're in the wrong just because you gave a supposed impression of being single." Mijeong still feels wronged at the accusation claimed by her girlfriend but even though she didn't do anything, she still apologized for it. 

The blue haired grimaces at the response, letting out a slow nod of understanding. "Oh. Okay."

"Hope you two make up." 

Ryujin shrugs hopelessly, stretching over to tie her shoes. "Me too." 

"What'd you even do to her?" The rabbit resembling girl asks, taking a seat down on the bench next to her teammate. 

"Nothing! It wasn't my fault." The star player throws her hands up in the air in frustration. "If any of her friends were in the same situation, I guarantee she'll do the same thing too. Especially that tall good of a nothing boy." 

Mijeong gasps at the smack talk from the rebel. "You are so harsh, Shin Ryujin. Seeing how defensive you got, I'll say that it was your fault." 

"I don't even know why she's overreacting to be honest." 

The girl besides her shakes her head in disapproval at the way the basketball player is acting. "You better apologize to whoever you made upset." 


Ryujin knew that Hwang Yeji was always quiet and cold, especially when she wasn't with her friends or family. Or however, leading a team. She also knew that Yeji and her weren't always on the greatest terms growing up. 

She just never figured that she'll end up being one of those who experiences the "Yeji Silence". 

It's a bit funny to her. Sitting in the specific white Mercedes of a well known model who obviously hates her guts, considering the silence that is overtaking the car right now. All her life up to this point, the blue haired has always made an effort into not running into the cat eyed girl at events, balls, fundraisers, meetings and whatnot. 

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