thirty two

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"I like you." Ryujin barely whispers it, softly saying it as she feels herself getting warm from the eyes of Yeji's. "So much Yeji."

The former brunette's heart stopped hearing those words come out from Ryujin. Her emotions that were enveloped inside of her beating heart weren't painful anymore as they were a couple hours ago. Hearing those words were the final piece of what she needs--wants.

The chemistry in the dimly lit room suddenly became too overwhelming for both of the girls. To Ryujin, the feeling of finally being able to freely express how much she likes the model was a relief.

To Yeji, it was a strange experience. Maybe it was because this is her first crush which involves a girl. But it's also both enjoyable and very much nerve-racking.

As perfectly as before, the unique eyes of Hwang Yeji's never fail to capture Ryujin's gaze of them. Suddenly, she doesn't even think about the aching pain on her ankle. Her only thoughts are filled with Yeji.

The artist extends her arm, reaching out to catch the model's wrist in a grasp. "I'm scared Yeji but I'm willing to try if it's only with you."

The deep brown cat eyes soften even more hearing the statement from the blue haired. Yeji smiles in a relief, her nose scrunching up from the excitement buzzing through her body, the dimple on one side of her cheek, and her eyes fills up with galaxy as she approaches closer to gaze down at the blue haired.

Her hand reaches out to softly brush her finger along the younger's cheek. "I'm going to stay with you. As long as I can and as long as I'm allowed."

Ryujin wishes that her stupid swollen ankle isn't swollen anymore. She wants to get up and engulf herself into the model's tall frame but she's limited to. A genuine smile forms onto Yeji's lip and she lets out a giggle at the sight, settling herself on the bed and opening her arms enough to fit the blue haired perfectly.

"This worked out, right?" The younger asks, her chin resting on the shoulders of the silver haired while her hand snakes around her. Ryujin depended on the hand too much, as if someone was going to steal Yeji away from her.

The silver haired nods, her head gently laying atop on the blue haired's. "It worked out well Shin."

There's almost no distance between them. The only distance they have is what they are. Friends who like each other? Are they in a talking stage now? Girlfriends?

But for now, both of them are content with what they are. Two people who finally confessed after unknown pining. 

"Thank you." Ryujin softly mutters, smiling at the embrace she's getting from the cat eyed. "For everything."

Yeji places a gentle kiss on the crown of Ryujin's head. "No, you're the one who deserves my thank you, pretty girl."


Staring at the smaller, Yeji's lip corners slightly rise at the sight of Ryujin sleeping soundlessly. Her head resting comfortably against Yeji's chest and the older can't help but to stroke the blue haired's cheek gently.

Saying that she loves the short haired seems like an understatement. Especially after they confessed their feelings to one another. However, Yeji knows that the casual words others say so easily to each other means a lot to her when she's staring down at the girl in her arms. 

She doesn't think anyone could love anybody as much as she loves the short haired. 

"You're still here." Ryujin blinks her eyes in hopes of this isn't a dream and that everything that happened is real life. 

HER /ryejiWhere stories live. Discover now