thirty six

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"Is everything okay? Does your ankle hurt a lot?" Yeji immediately scoots closer towards the blue haired's side, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders.

The younger slowly shakes her head, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of one of Yeji's shirts. She lets out a few sniffles before burying her head in the older's side.

Yeji was never the greatest at comforting people. Especially when they're crying.

The model brings her hand up to stroke the back of Ryujin's head, hoping that the action will calm down the crying girl she woke up to.

"Did I do something to cause you to cry?" Yeji gently asks, slightly tensing up at the feeling of the artist's tears soaking through her shirt but she manages to calm down.

Ryujin picks her head up, looking at the cat eyed girl. "You deserve the whole world Yeji."

"Hey Ryujin, what are you talking about?"

The younger inhales deeply in an attempt to not let the tears run free again. "After my ankle is healed, I think we should talk to our parents about a divorce."

"What? What are you talking about?" The older furrows her brows, irritation suddenly seeking in and the softened face that Ryujin has finally gotten used to switches to the face that Yeji is known for.

Feeling the hands of the former brunette leaving her side makes Ryujin feel chilly again. She doesn't like this feeling, especially with the former brunette. 

"You deserve so much better than me. Everything that happened was all my fault and you know it's true. How can you bare to be around me? Yet alone tolerate me?" The younger looks down at her hands, suddenly fidgeting with them to stop herself from breaking down in front of her arranged partner. 

Yeji lets out a deep sigh. "Stop beating yourself up Shin."

"No one's perfect. We all make mistakes in our life and that's perfectly normal. Making those mistakes just allows us to grow even more and in the future, we make up for those mistakes. So stop saying it's your fault." 

Ryujin stays silent. Opening her mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"You're my wife Ryujin and it's going to stay that way, alright? The next time you say I deserve someone better than you, I'm going to snitch to the dean about you shooting paint balls at the volleyball team." 

"Wait, that was you from before?"

Yeji lets out a soft smile, knowing that the younger is feeling a lot better now compared from earlier. "I overheard a girl saying she was going to court you or something during your free time in the hallways and I may or may not have pushed things around to have you sit in the class I was in."

Hwang Yeji was jealous. Wait! Hwang Yeji was jealous of another girl asking Ryujin out!

"You were jealous!" The whisker-dimples suddenly appears on the cheeks of the basketball player.

The silver haired clears her throat while she looks away, her attention now sitting on the clock that barely even works properly. "Who said that I was?"

"Is that why you kissed me?" Ryujin teases the model, leaning against Yeji's arm now. "Cause you were jealous?"

Yeji lets out a sigh of defeat, knowing that the younger won't shut up about this matter. "Fine, I was. Happy?" 

"More than happy." 


Ryujin softly lets out a noise of comfort before snuggling closer to her wife's side and inhaling the specific scent of her. Yeji stares down at the shorter and she giggles softly before placing a small kiss on the crown of Ryujin's. 

"You love smelling me, huh?" 

The blue haired lets out a noise of agreement. "I like this smell." 

"I smell like human Shin." The older responds, wrapping her arms around Ryujin's frame. 

The room is silent. A comfortable silent that the both girls finally seem to confide in. 

Cuddling with Yeji suddenly became one of Ryujin;s favorite thing to do. Who would've thought that the captain of the tennis team who always walked around campus with the infamous stone face would actually be a teddy bear? 

"Yeji? Are you feeling sleepy?" 

The silver haired lightly hums, her eyes shutting but opening right after. "A little bit." 

"Never mind then." Ryujin says quickly. 

Yeji releases her arms around Ryujin, propping herself up to stare directly down at the younger. "What? You had a question." 

"Ummm...when we were younger, what was your first impression of me? And why did you hate me?" 

The cat eyed girl raises one of her brows up, relaxing it back to its original position as she wonders why the younger asked this question. Nonetheless, Yeji hesitates for a quick second. "You really want to know?" 

Ryujin nods intensely, anticipation behind her eyes which kind of freaks Yeji out a bit. 

"To be honest, I thought you were loud and annoying." The older casually says, realizing the younger's face and she grins at Ryujin's pout. "But you were cute too. Sometimes." 

The art major makes a disappointed face, nodding slowly as she tries to understand why Yeji's impression of her was like that. Finally it hits her, ever since the first sight of the cat eyed 6- years-old, the 5- years-old Shin Ryujin would always bother the older. Everywhere she goes, Ryujin does too. 

"I can see why you would think that." 

Yeji laughs, her dimple naturally exerting and Ryujin can't help but to stare at it. The model leans forward, stealing a kiss from the younger's lips and pulling back with bright eyes. "I didn't really hate you when we were younger." 

"My parents always talked about you when we were kids. They would always speak on how nice you were to everyone, how cute you are all the time, and how you were a social butterfly. When you started giving me gifts and wanting to spend time with me, I thought my parents were right and wanted to replace me with you." The cat eyed shakes her head at how immature she was. "How about you Ryujin? Why did you hate me?" 

The blue haired coughs awkwardly, her face reddening at the flashbacks on when they were kids. "You know how I liked you before?" 

Yeji's cat eyes becomes small as her mouth brightly grins while letting out a nod. 

"And how I gave you gifts all the time, following you around and wanting to be with you at all time. One afternoon after the tutoring session, I saw you with Jisu and you let her eat the cookies I made for you, throwing out the rest later." Ryujin laughs, remembering the way she sobbed her way back home that day. "My perspective about you changed. You were really mean." 

Yeji slightly pouts. "I'm sorry. Jisu barely ate that day so I let her have them instead." 

"Oh. Well then, I guess I forgive you." Ryujin leans up, placing a peck on the model's jawline to cheer her up. 

The former brunette gazes back up at the artist and strokes the mole sitting right under the artist's left eyebrow, with a soft tone as she lightly muttered the words. "You're so pretty." 

Leaning into the touch from the model, the blue haired shuts her eyes. "I'm getting sleepy." 

"Let's go to bed now my pretty girl." 

-- -- -- 

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