sixty two

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Ryujin looks over at the dimpled male, who is currently erasing and rewriting something before brushing his hands through his hair in frustration. She takes a look between the rice porridge she's eating from and the male, concluding that if anyone else were to be with Yeji, she wouldn't mind if Soobin was the one. 

Soobin handed Yeji over to her, knowing for sure that Ryujin would've kept her happy. It's in his eyes, the look of happiness and sadness combined into one. He was happy because the girl he loves was happy but he was sad because he wasn't going to be the one to make her happy. It was a tragic love story, that's how the artist sees it. 

So, Ryujin knows the inside of the dimpled male's heart, kindness is painted all over the organ. He chose to take care of the girl who shattered his best friend's heart, he was willing to take care of her and that's what all the artist needed to know to know who else Yeji's heart could be gently held by. 

Of course; that's not going to happen. Not anytime yet. Ryujin is determined to change everything around, she wants to make things right. 

First love? She would've totally expected Soobin to be the cat eyed's first love but to her surprise, it was her. Ryujin wonders when Yeji declared the fact that she was her first love? Was it after she stopped pestering the older back in primary school? Or the day when Yeji moved to a different neighborhood? 

All sort of questions keeps floating around in her head and she's scared that she'll never be able to hear the answers for them... 

Ryujin lets out a silent sigh at the thought of the future without Yeji. 

"I'm disappointed in you, for cheating on Yeji." Soobin breaks the silence, looking up from his studying materials. "And I don't think I could ever forgive you for breaking her heart...but, situations arises and I understand losing a friend is hard. I also know you love Yeji, however, to respect Yeji after all that went down..I think a divorce is the only option." 

The artist brings her gaze at the dimpled male, eyes boring into the eyes of his.

Soobin gulps from the look of Ryujin's, nonetheless he's firm on his words. "I'm not saying this because I want her back, I'm doing my best to move on and I also know how much she loves you. But, as your senior and as a small friend, I recommend that option the best for the both of you." 

"Do you think her and I will ever go back to how we were?" Ryujin asks, looking down at her pajama pants and messing with the pockets of them. 

The business major lets out a small hum in question before replying. "Yeji is an understanding person and you're a determined person. I'm sure in the future, you two will meet at a path again. Whether that'd be one year or two years, maybe three years. But, I'm positive you two will be together again." 

Ryujin takes notes of how Soobin truly has let go of his love and she glances up at him in guilt for being the one arranged to marry Yeji in the first place, maybe if he was in her place, all these undercover feelings wouldn't have resurfaced like this and maybe, Ryujin could've been the way she's always has. Hiding the feelings and pretending to hate Yeji while sleeping with other girls to get rid of the emotions.. 

Most important of all, Yeji wouldn't have to be crying and in pain cause of her. She would probably be much happier with Soobin. 

"You're looking at me like I'm a pushover." Soobin giggles, shrugging afterwards. "You don't have to worry about me, I've accepted that her and I won't work out like we used to." 

"For all it's worth, you're the only other person I'd allow Yeji to be with." Ryujin tries to cheer up her friend. "Maybe, not in this universe but probably the next." 

HER /ryejiWhere stories live. Discover now