twenty one

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After Ryujin said those words, she curses at herself. She feels so selfish right now, especially when she was over at another's girl's house earlier today. So why does she think she has the right to confess towards the brunette haired model?

"Ryujin, do you know what you're saying?" Yeji asks in an almost whisper like tone, a bit stunned to say the least.

The pink haired turns around while slipping on her coat, nervously letting out a few laughs. "I mean as a friend of course. I think I'm starting to hate you a tiny bit compared to our past rivalry."

Ryujin couldn't make out the older's face.



"Perhaps I may say that I feel the same way." The cat eyed girl gives a soft smile in response. "You're not a bad person Ryujin. I guess that image of you was always in my eyes."

The younger feels her heart beating loudly and the only thing she could focus on is the sounds of the thumping occurring in her chest. "I-I think the same as you too."

"That's good." She smiles, nodding along while looking down at her hands and fidgeting with the blanket. "Have you eaten today?"

Stupid Hwang Yeji. Worrying about other's health when she's the first one who never eats when supposed to and now she's in here, Ryujin doesn't understand.

"Why do you do that?" Ryujin asks, staring concentratedly at the brunette's eyes while taking a seat down on the couch.

Yeji lets out a hum in response, looking up to meet the gaze from the pink haired.

"Make the conversation about the other person," the younger replies. "Worrying about people when you're the one who needs to worry about yourself."

The cat eyed girl is taken aback to say the least. Her mouth drops open at the sudden question. Wanting to let out an answer but she closes her mouth again after a few seconds. Her mind being in a blank state.

"Do you not notice you do that?"

"It's probably a habit I picked up?" Yeji tries lying to get away from the topic. However she can see from the look of Ryujin's face that the artist isn't convinced from the answer.

"You always hit tennis balls at who knows when in the mornings. You're always there for your two friends and listen to their concerns. Not bothering to let out yours." The pink haired has always took attention to these things, she was an observer when it comes to the tennis player. "Why don't you let your own emotions come out?"

Yeji motionlessly shrugs, her gaze now ripping away from the younger.

"And that's why you're in here." Ryujin softly says. "Because you overwork yourself like you're immortal or something. Not resting up and worrying about being a bad captain."

"Okay Ryujin, I get it." The tennis player sternly says, not wanting to hear about herself.

"No you don't!" Ryujin exclaims, her voice becoming stern as well while her eyes begin to water again. "No one doesn't want to see their partner falling down on the ground like that, especially in front of their eyes."

Yeji looks up again, her eyes softening at the sight of the artist. Her hands tightly bunching up the blanket when she sees a tear fall down. "I apologize for scaring you."

"For being a nerd, you're such an idiot." Ryujin sniffs, looking away while wiping with the back of her hand. "My driver is here, we should start heading on our way to the main campus."


Yeji examines the way the pink haired would hum along to the song playing on the radio while looking out the window. And so she memorizes next time to start playing the radio while they're on their way to school, especially if it involves hearing the sweet voice of Ryujin's.

She notices how the younger's fingers would ever so lightly tap on her knee to the beat. How she would love to hold those small fingers in her hand, but she pulls herself back. She doesn't want to give in to her mother yet. Just not yet.

"Is marriage treating the both of you girls well?"

Ryujin makes a face before letting out a response. "Well I was forced against my will but I'm getting used to it."

"You'll grow to like it." Mr. Song smiles at the artist through the rearview mirror.

The brunette is jealous of how Ryujin grew up with so much love around her. She watches throughout the car ride how the driver and her arranged partner interact. Smiling at the laugh that came out from the younger's mouth.

Yeji doesn't know that Mr. Song saw that.

"Alright girls, we've arrived safely."

Yeji bows slightly because of her back. "Thank you for bringing us here."

"Oh, no need to thank me." Mr. Song smiles in response.

"Let me open the door for y-"

Yeji unbuckles her seat belt, stopping the younger from doing anything else. "I got it, Shin. How about you and Mr. Song catch up on a few things? I'll go unlock the house and get it warm before you come in."


The brunette pats the pink haired's head, giving her a soft smile. "I know you want to catch up with him. I got it, I'm not crippled or anything."

Ryujin feels like she's on "Cloud 9" right now, so she obliges and sits down in the car as the cat eyed girl leaves the car. Watching her walk up to the front door, Ryujin smiles in relief when she sees the front door unlocked.

"You're all smiles. Do you like her that much?" Mr. Song teases the girl.

"Huh? Is it that obvious?" Ryujin panics, looking around except for the driver's eyes.

Mr. Song laughs. "Yes, it's very obvious. However, I may believe she likes you too."

"Ayy~, what are you saying?" The artist laughs hard at the assumption of Yeji liking her.

The man drops his mouth in surpise, wide eyed at the way Ryujin doesn't believe him. "Ryujin-shi, when I was your age... I had so much action. I know when someone likes someone."

"Okay okay." The female rolls her eyes playfully. "Whatever you say."


"What's this?" Ryujin asks, upon entering inside the house to a movie playing on the screen in the living room. Seeing blankets on the couch and a variety of snacks.

Yeji emerges out from the kitchen, holding two cups of lemonade she made. "We're having a movie night, Shin."


The older places the cups down on coasters. "Why not? The festival is coming up and it's good to take a break. Plus, I don't really have anything to look forwards to besides watching you play."

There it goes again; Shin Ryujin's heart beating rapidly.

"What-what movie are we watching?" The pink haired asks while fanning herself to get rid of the sudden heat, taking off her shoes as she proceed to sit on the couch.

Yeji hands her one of her spare blankets, to which Ryujin doesn't hesitate to grab.

"Texas Chainsaw or something." The brunette shrugs as she also takes a seat, covering herself with the blanket. "It's apparently number one on ratings."

The artist can't help but to look down at how close they're sitting to one another.

Ryujin hesitantly nods, gulping at the name. "That's cool."

"What's your favorite snack?" Yeji asks, reaching over to the table to grab something.

"The sour candy bites."

The older scans the table for them, her eyes lighting up when she catches a glance of them. "What flavor do you like?"

"All of them besides orange." Ryujin responds, grabbing the candy from Yeji. "How about you?"

Yeji looks at the pack of candy, thinking to herself. "I like orange."

"Oh. That worked out great." The younger cheekily smiles, grabbing one orange flavored to hand it to the cat eyed girl.


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