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To say the least, the pink haired is going through a tough time focusing in class. In her mind, all she can think about is that kiss ; that damn kiss that makes her keep wanting more. Her mouth is playing with the hard candy from earlier and just the thought of what that poor candy went through makes Ryujin feel like she can't breathe.

How would she be able to handle through practice today when the only thing she wants to do is suck faces with the person she hates the most?

"Okay class, that'll be it for today's lesson!" The professor picks up her laptop and bag before being the first one out the door.

Looking down at her open laptop, Ryujin mentally thanks the gods above for having the class end right in time for her to cool herself off with a cold sports drink. With a sigh of relief, the artist rushes out of her seat and heads for the door.

"I must be crazy." Ryujin talks to herself while scanning the hallway for a vending machine.

However, she stops walking once seeing the figure of the girl who is stuck in her mind today.

"Ji! Hurry up before we won't get the good seats in the model classroom." A tall male comes running next to the model.

Yeji lets out a cheeky smile in response, debating on whether or not she should risk her diet to try the new peach iced tea. "Should I risk it?"

"Yes! Now hurry up."

The cat eyed girl lets out an exasperated sigh dramatically and pushes the button for her drink. Her eyes glimmering up at the iced tea's image. "I'm so excited."

Ryujin wants to smile, so bad at that sight of Yeji. And she was going to except her mouth stays pursed once seeing the tall male with the adorable dimples stroke the head of the model.

What the hell is going on? Why is he touching her hair like that? Why is she allowing it?

Without realizing it, the pink haired's left hand fists into a ball. At the sight, it gives her a pile of mixed emotions.

Seeing the way the tennis player gives the male a smile in response just made Ryujin even more disappointed?

The smile that the model rarely wears around her is given to him too?

"She hates me, I hate her." The artist mutters out in anger. "So, it's none of my business to who she smiles to."

However, Ryujin feels as if a needle pricked a part of her chest. It feels like it's crumbling down and for the first time, she isn't used to it; she doesn't like it.

Forgetting why she was even heading towards the machine in the first place, the pink haired turns around and leaves before she does something irrational.


Needless to say, practice wasn't bad at all.

It was worst than bad.

The basketball player kept getting side tracked during it. Zoning out on the court while her shoelaces will come undone, and she can barely yell that she was open. Overall, it was a mess.

Slamming her locker shut, Ryujin sits down on the bench in front of it. Pushing her hair back while letting out a deep breath in exhaustion. Rubbing her temples, the pink haired exasperatedly kicks a locker because of how she was acting like during practice.

"You need to push yourself harder Ryujin." She speaks to herself, looking down at her lap.

Her body feels tense, clenching her jaw to hold in the tears threatening to fall any minute now.

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