fifty eight

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Both Yuna and Chaeryeong let out an exasperated sigh, seeing the art major's figure through the cafe's glass window. They can't believe Ryujin skipped her class for this. But, it has to happen, right? With Yuna letting out one last sigh, she pulls the door open for Chaeryeong and her. The red haired on the other hand wants nothing to do with talking to Ryujin but they need to talk about that one night. 

Chaeryeong clears her throat. "You wanted to talk to us?"

Letting out a slight nod, Ryujin motion towards the seats that sits across from her. "I've ordered your favorite." 

"Maybe, you two should talk first..." Yuna trails off quietly, wanting the two oldest to make up before she can talk to Ryujin about that night. "I'm going to order some dessert." 

The red haired retaliates but Yuna is already off to the line, ultimately having to sit across the artist with her arms crossed. "I don't have much to say to you." 

"I deserve and understand that." Ryujin lets out a nod, her eyes sincerely meaning it. "First off, when I said that Heejin and the others were a different friendship from you and Yuna, I didn't mean it in the way you were thinking it. You and Yuna are the best things that ever happened to me and I'll always choose you two at the end of the day, always." 

Chaeryeong brings her eyes from looking at the table, up to Ryujin. 

"It's just trying to cut ties with them is difficult especially when I was in a rough patch during middle school. Before I met you guys." Ryujin starts to choke on her words, knowing that it's a difficult subject to talk about. 

The red haired already knows it's about the artist's grandparents sudden murder so she quickly grabs the older's hand to soothe and reassure her. "You don't have to think about that..I forgive you. I should've been more understanding of your situation and Hyunjin's sudden death." 

"And finally, I know I can't justify my actions for sleeping with Heejin." The blue haired feels her eyes tearing up at the thought of talking to Yeji about their divorce and Chaeryeong just watches her friend in pity but also resentment. "And you can hate me for that, especially since you're dating her best friend. But please, don't leave our friendship." 

Chaeryeong lets out a nod, her hand still holding the artist's. "Ryujin, I'm not going to leave our friendship. I'll always be here for you. But right now, you need to understand that you're a mess and there could've been ways to prevent it. I love you, Ryujin so I'm telling this to you from the bottom of my heart...get that divorce with Yeji." 

"What? But I-" 

"-I know you love her and she loves you too, so much. But as your best friend, I think you need a fresh start." The nursing major suggests to the art major. 

Ryujin takes her friend's word in consideration and she lets out a nod. "I'll think about it." 


In time, Yuna comes back with three plates full of different cakes. "I ordered some desserts, are the drinks here yet?" 

"They should be coming in a few." Ryujin says. 

The floor ball athlete nods, setting their plates down on the table before proceeding to sit down. "Did you two make up?" 

"For the most part, we did." Chaeryeong replies, grabbing a fork and delving into the strawberry cake. "I told Ryujin to get a fresh start." 

Yuna agrees as she too grabs a fork and goes straight for the chocolate slice of cake. "What did you want to talk to me about, Ryujin?" 

"When were you going to tell me about your auntie's death?" The blue haired cuts straight to the point. 

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