forty seven

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Chaeryeong impatiently taps her feet while waiting for the high schooler to open up the door. She is appalled to be exact. Why must Yuna bring up that situation? How did it go from others treating Yeji better to that night where everything happened?

"Kai, I told you to quit bothering me!" The younger's voice on the other side of the door sounds annoyed and to be honest, Chaeryeong doesn't blame her.

Once the door opens, Yuna isn't surprised to see the red haired on her new apartment's doorstep. "Chae."

"I want to talk to you Yuna." The older seriously says, although her tone is gentle and soft. "I'm not here to scold you, okay?"

The black haired nods slowly, stepping aside to let the dancer in and promptly shutting the door right after. "It's a little messy, I know."

Chaeryeong lets out a small smile in an understanding manner, she sits on the couch she always sits on in the younger's apartment. "You're still a growing teen, of course it'll be messy."

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Yuna asks, taking a seat near the older's couch. "About what happened earlier at dinner?"

The red haired doesn't say anything.

" is that then, huh?" Yuna confirms her suspicions, letting out a small sigh after. "I didn't want to bring it up, I didn't! I was going to just try to forget about it but how could I when Hyeju just told us that information?"

The older lets out a nod but then again, it should've been spoken about during a private conversation in a private place. "It could've been private, you know?"

"And Ryujin was happy to speak to us about Yeji." Chaeryeong continues, a small smile at the thought of her best friend finally being happy. "I think she's serious about Yeji, not just some small fling. I can see in her eyes that she's happy especially after everything she went through at the festival."

The black haired lets out a small pout, guilt seeping in a little, however the night she needed help, Ryujin didn't pick up and that's an issue that Yuna thinks can't get solved. "I love her, with all my heart and she's like my sister. But how could I watch her be happy when she wasn't there that night? You and I struggled without her help."

"But now, you've managed it." The older gently says, reaching over to place a hand on the high schooler's shoulders. "And I'm sure your aunt would be proud of you. Look at you, getting your own apartment at the age of 17. You managed to pay for her funeral and still had enough for this comfortable place. How could anyone not be proud of you?"

Yuna feels her eyes getting watery at her friend's words and she tries to let out an awkward smile before she looks down at her lap to avoid crying in front of the older.

"I know growing up is hard, especially after losing the only family member you have in Seoul out of nowhere. But Yuna, I'm really proud of you." Chaeryeong says, taking both hands and placing them on each side of the younger's cheeks and she feels her own eyes water too at the sight. Nonetheless, she wipes Yuna's tear and lets out a warm smile. "And you managed your best to keep the act of being alright in front of Ryujin. I understand why you'd be upset but at the same time, you shouldn't make her feel like a bad friend earlier today, okay?"

The high schooler lets out a nod before getting pulled into a warm embrace from her friend. "I'll apologize to her."

"There you go." Chaeryeong strokes the back of the high schooler's head. "I'm proud of you Yuna."

Yuna struggles to let out a smile from her tears falling but she hums in response. Suddenly, the feeling of being empty for the past weeks has melted away for her in the arms of the older college student. Chaeryeong is like a mom in a way and she feels like she has someone to start relying on again.


Ryujin lets out a yawn, stretching out her arms before she glances over at the sleeping model besides her. Her small smile rests against her lips and she can't help but to scoot even closer to her wife's side and snuggling in closer to get her favorite smell.

"It's too early to wake up to the sounds of you inhaling me Shin." Yeji says, her back facing towards Ryujin but her lips are unturned into the "Light Fury" smile.

The blue haired lightly flinches at the raspy voice coming from the cat eyed model. "Your voice goes like ten times deeper when you're tired, huh?"

"And yours doesn't?" The older turns around, face-to-face with the artist in bed. "You're not tired? It's 7 in the morning."

Ryujin shakes her head, an aloof smile on her face once the memories of last night appears in her mind. "How could I sleep?"

"You would think of how many times we went at last night, you'll be exhausted and worn out." Yeji casually speaks, letting out a yawn shortly after. "I have an exam later today in the afternoon, will you be alright staying here by yourself for the time being?"

At the words of 'exam' and 'yourself', Ryujin lets out a subtle pout. "I thought we weren't going to school today, what happened!"

"Correction Shin, you wanted to not go to school today." The silver haired emphasized on the 'you'. "I, however have an exam today."

The artist lets out a noise of disagreement, letting out a puff as she turns her around. Her back facing the older completely. At the sight, the older smiles to herself while she adores the way the artist is acting.

Feeling soft kisses along her back, Ryujin shutters underneath.

"Don't be mad at me." Yeji gently says, scooting closer to place kisses on the younger's neck. "I promise I'll make it up to you, hmm?"

With no response, Yeji lets out a small whine as she wraps her arm around the younger's waist and the younger's cheeks go red at the feeling of Yeji's breast hitting her back. She tries to get her mind off the dirty end and thinks of happy innocent thoughts.

"Okay! Okay! I'm not mad." Ryujin struggles to speak, feeling very overwhelmed. "Can you please get your boobs off me?"

The model slightly pulls back, looking amused at the blue haired's words. "Oh. You're getting shy. I get it."

"I- whatever! I'm going back to bed now." The blue haired pulls the covers up to her chin as she adjusts herself to a more comfy position. "Leave or not, I don't care." 

Yeji just giggles, shaking her head at the way her wife is acting before she lets out another yawn and hugs her wife closer to her in warmth. "Too early to leave."

-- -- --

this fan fiction is closely coming to an end in 13 more chapters, huhuhu. once again, i would love to thank each and every one of you for reading and supporting me to continue writing this. i'd never thought "HER" would be reaching many attention like this. it still baffles me that i get a couple hundred readers each chapter! thank you all and love you to pieces. there may be a new ryeji fic after this one, shhh.

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