fifty six

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Soobin softly hums while stroking his friend's head, who is asleep on his shoulder. His heart is sad at the event of hearing the sounds of Yeji sobbing earlier and he's upset because he couldn't do anything for her to stop. If there's anything he could do for her, he would. Even if it meant wearing a dress to campus or catching the hot scorching sun for her.

He wanted to be the reason for her stop crying.

"Is she holding up okay?" Jisu and Chaeryeong both ask, entering his room.

The dimpled male lets out a swift nod and smile. "She just fell asleep a few minutes ago."

Jisu is sad. Sad at the fact that the only one who made Yeji stopped crying was Soobin. The boy who would jump in front of a bullet for anyone. How she wished for Yeji to be married to her brother instead.

At the sight of Yeji crying heavily, to the point where at one moment she couldn't even breathe while muttering out words of divorce and packing up fumes the psychology major.

She's angry at herself for entrusting Yeji to Ryujin for the 2nd time and just for it to mess up all over again.

"The minute I see Ryujin, it's over." Chaeryeong is furious all over again at the thought of why her best friend is so stupid and can't seem to figure out why Heejin is back hanging around.

Jisu sighs, grabbing her date's hand and walking over to sit on the floor in front of Soobin and Yeji. "I just want to know what she did."

"All I know is that it has something to do with Jeon Heejin." Chaeryeong angrily mutters, her other hand balling into a fist.

"Oh! You girls were supposed to go out on a date." Soobin says, feeling bad for his sister and his future sister-in-law. "You girls go on ahead. Don't worry about her, I got it."

Both Chaeryeong and Jisu stays put, not wanting to budge. How could they go out on a date now if Yeji is hurting?

"I'm sure she would love you guys to go out on that date." The dimpled boy smiles softly, readjusting his arms because of the sudden hug from Yeji in her sleep. "It's a good way to take your mind off of what happened earlier today."

The Choi sister nods, getting up and holding out her hand. "Let's go Chae, if anyone could comfort Yeji, it's my brother. I'm not going to let a cheater ruin my date with the girl of my dreams."

Chaeryong feels her ears flushing as she reaches for the older's hand.

Soobin watches them, in happiness and in cringe. "Try not to be out too late."


Yuna wasn't expecting to see Ryujin on her front doorstep on a Saturday evening, to say the least, she's extremely surprised. Shocked to see that the person she couldn't get ahold of is in front of her. 

Ryujin looks like a sobbing, snotty, and icky mess and the younger kind of stares at her friend, a little disgusted to be honest. 

"Could I c-come in?" The blue haired sniffs, wiping her snot with the sleeves of her hoodie. 

The black haired Barbie slightly grimaces but she still moves aside, letting her snotty and sobbing mess of a friend in her apartment. "Come on ahead." 

Ryujin isn't sure if it's because she's been out walking for the past two hours to get her mind off of things but she feels a lot more warmer upon entering in her friend's apartment. Her tears stopped flowing and her stuffy nose is--still snotty. 

"How did you get my address?" Yuna asks, shutting the door behind as she walks up ahead to show the older a place to sit. 

The older follows, sitting down on the couch. "Wonyoung told me." 

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