thirty five

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Handing their shared credit card to the clerk up front, Yeji turns back around to check up on the blue haired. A smile lightly unfold on her lips at the sight of the blue haired struggling on walking with her new crutches. She softly lets out a small giggle. 

"Is that her first time?" The clerk asks with excitement from seeing the couple, handing the card back to the cat eyed girl. 

The cat eyed girl lets out a nod, taking the card back and retuning her attention on her wife. "Yes, it is. Still getting used to it." 

"The first couple of days are always a struggle but once it hits the fourth day, she'll get the hang of it." The woman smiles, handing the prescription and invoice of the hospital bill. 

Yeji returns a smile back, grabbing the bag from the lady. "Thank you so much." 

Just for a quick second of looking away, it seems that gravity may be Yeji's number one enemy. She rushes over to the younger's side, holding the younger securely by the waist to prevent her from falling. 

"These are a pain in the ass." Ryujin deadpans, looking miserable than when she first sprained the ankle. 

"They are but think about after you walk in these. You'll be back to walking without them in no time and then return back to school." Yeji suggests with a cute tone in her voice at the thought of her and Ryujin walking around campus hand-in-hand. 

The artist makes a face, looking at the campus's genius unfazed as they slowly leave the hospital building. "Why would I want to return back to school?" 

The older holds the younger's body closer to her so they could walk over to the car without having to struggle too much. "Well, I was hoping we could see each other on campus during our free time." 

"If you put it like that, then I'd love to return back to school." Ryujin mutters under her breath. 

"Sit right here while I pull the car up to the front." Yeji orders, bringing her lips to the younger's temple. "I won't be too long." 

Ryujin nods, slowly taking a seat down on the chair while she watches the model's back leave. She softly hums to a song she heard on the radio a couple days ago while looking down at the ground. 

"Fancy seeing you here Ryujinie." A voice bursts the blue haired's humming. 

Hearing that nickname come out of that voice, the whisker-dimpled girl feels her body slightly tense up and the pain in her ankle begins to become a bit more intolerable all of a sudden compared to the pain earlier in the morning. 

Ryujin doesn't want to look up. She's scared and the only place she wants to be is in the arms of her beautiful model. 

"Oh come on, I thought you and I had a little something." The raven haired says, a tone where girls would swoon over for. 

The blue haired raises her head up, about to turn around until she sees the all too specific white Mercedes pull up in front of them. Noticing the way Yeji got out the car a bit too harshly and slamming it a bit harder than usual, Ryujin feels a bit ease. 

"Ryujin, is everything alright?" The cat eyed rushes to her side, ignoring the presence of the girl standing behind Ryujin. 

Ryujin nods, her arms are already open and ready to hold onto the older. "I just want to get home." 

"That'll be no problem." Yeji lets out a small smile, grabbing the crutches in one hand while the other hand pulls Ryujin's body up from the seat. 

The silver haired glances at the raven haired girl. "Show up in front of her again and I will pull some strings around so you won't be able to attend any college or university for the next three years of your life." 

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