twenty four

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It was another cycle to which she hated doing.  So she stayed put at where she is. 

Her hand clutches on her car keys, threatening between the choice of leaving or being the bigger person and possibly letting the transfer student stay at their home for a night. But what would the benefit be for Yeji? 

Risking her model career? The career where she was forced to take while her stay in Paris just for dating a boy? The career that took away her dream of being a world tennis player? 

Yeji thinks to herself that maybe she does have the right to act like how she acted. 

And so when Ryujin told her that she was mean for not letting Hyeju stay for the night, Yeji could just felt like breaking down for no absolute reason. Maybe it was the fact that the artist wouldn't care if the cat eyed girl's career was ruined or not. Maybe it was the fact that the artist seemed to care more about the other girl. 

Once again, Yeji clutches onto the keys tighter at the thought of it. How could Ryujin be so selfish? Worrying more about Hyeju than her own wife. God, Yeji wants to laugh at it. 

Who knows? 

Maybe, this is the breaking point? To where Yeji is going to use her own sufferance against her mother just to get a divorce because honestly, that's the only thing floating freely in the silver haired's mind right now. 

However, she doesn't let her heart come down to that. 

The only thing her mind signaled to her was that she needs to be seeking for comfort before doing something ridiculously absurd. So, Yeji leaves the house and drives to the all so familiar cafe to where she knew the dimpled boy would be. 


Ryujin sits down at the dining table, expecting for the cat eyed girl to show up through the garage's door any minute now. Her eyes read the digital clock sitting on the table and she sighs to herself. Getting out of her seat to which she looks back before closing the lights off in the house and proceeding to go upstairs after that. 

Opening the door to her and Yeji's shared room, the blue haired sees Hyeju sitting upright on the bed while texting someone. 

"Ready for bed Hye?" 

The raven haired gives Ryujin one of her gummy smiles. "I've been ready Ryujinie." 

Ryujin smiles in response, getting on top of the bed and she snuggles a bit too close next to the transfer student. To which the girl responds by putting her arm around the shoulders of the short haired. 

"So you and Yeji?" 

The artist frowns upon hearing the older's name. "Her and I are married because of our parents."

"Oh wow." Hyeju is speechless.

Ryujin lets out a fazed laugh while her hands messes with the waistband of Hyeju's shorts. "I know. Her and I hate each other, like ever since we were kids. It's funny." 

"I kind of got the vibe of you two being enemies." The wolf looking girl shrugs while she releases her grip off of Ryujin to lay in a more comfortable position for the two. 

The blue haired nods, crawling over on top of Hyeju. "I've never hooked up with a girl more than two times before. You must have something special to you." 

"So I've been told." Hyeju comments, raising her brows up teasingly while leaning to catch the artist's lips. "I guess I admit you're a better top than most of the people I've even with." 

Ryujin lets outs a dorky smile, giving a hum in response while placing kisses down the raven haired's neck. 


Yeji watches the dimpled boy staring intensely at the new latte art he found off of Pinterest. His tongue barely sticking out as his eyes are squinting to make sure he's getting every angle of the milk correctly sitting on top of the rich latte. 

"Aw! I almost got it." Soobin lets out a whine, placing the cup gently down on the table. His hands lightly fists the table in disappointment. 

The cat eyed girl claps softly, making the certain black haired male to jump before concluding  that it's his favorite person in the room. He looks up in a flash and immediately rushes over to the tennis player. 

"Yeji, what are you doing here? You should be resting right now - oh my god! Your hand!" He looks up and scan the back room for something to stop the bleeding. 

Ultimately, he comes down to ripping his shirt. "I feel like I've been seeing you each time with blood." 

"I'm sorry." 

The taller shakes his head, letting out a sound of disapproval while aiding her wound. "Never apologize Ji." 

"Why are you still up at this time? Don't you have a business to run at tomorrow's festival?" Yeji asks, her free hand reaching up to push the hair back of her friend's. 

Soobin leans into the touch while securing the tie on her hand, grazing his fingertips lightly on the silver haired's hands before pulling away. "Why are you up at this time silly? Aren't you sick?" 

"I can't sleep as always. Maybe it's the nerves at the fact that I won't be playing tomorrow." 

"Aw Ji, I'm sorry you couldn't play this year." The business major strokes the shorter's hair. "I'm sure you would've done amazing by the way." 

Yeji can't help but to smile at the male's words. "Why wouldn't I? After all, I do have my number one fan." 

"Even better." Soobin smiles like a high school boy who just scored a date with his crush. He loves their antics when it comes to being one another's fan, it makes him feel proud. "You look good with silver hair by the way. Just thought you needed to know." 

The model throws her head back in laughter at Soobin's awkward compliment. "Thanks Bin." 

"Always here to let you know how pretty you look." He winks as a joke. "You're the girl I fell in love with so why wouldn't I?" 

"Soobin, I-" 

The black haired boy releases a sad smile. "I know that you won't be able to love me back the same way as you did in the past. That's okay because I at least have you by my side in a different way." 

"I'm sorry. I tried hard to return those feelings back, you know? I wanted to like you back again, I really did." Yeji replies, looking down at the ground while fidgeting with her nails and fighting her tears back. "And it's stupid of me to come to you all the time when I'm in need of comfort. I'm sorry." 

Soobin lets out a small giggle, grabbing the girl's hands to grab her attention. "Don't apologize Yeji. That's why I'm always going to be your number one fan. Cheering for you in the front row as promised." 

The cat eyed model looks up and she sees the way her best friend's eyes soften as he brings a thumb up to wipe the drop of tear. She feels selfish for her feelings. But when she sees those eyes, she realizes that not everything she chooses to do is irresponsible. "Promise?" 



Hyeju very silently gets out of the bed in fear of waking the blue haired up. She grabs her phone and keys and takes a look of the artist one last time before heading downstairs. 

The raven haired girl makes sure everything is perfect before leaving throughout the front door. Her hand is already hovering on texting the leader of Yeji's fan club. Getting into her car, the girl takes her sunglasses out and perfectly wears them. 

Giving the shared house of Hwang-Shin a look, she drives off with a smirk. Feeling a bit too accomplished with how the mission turned out. "Oh, we're totally going to win." 


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