fifty one

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Yeji finishes up with the last of her measurements, letting out a tired sigh before looking up and seeing her best friend struggling too with his blueprint. Soobin lets out a small smile once meeting eye contact with the female and in response, Yeji gives one back. Feeling some sort of relief, knowing that someone else is struggling with her. 

"We're probably going to be here all night, huh?" The cat eyed asks, already knowing the answer to that question. "How are you coming along with your side?" 

The black haired lets out an innocent half shrug. "I don't even know if I'm using any of the formulas correctly, my brain is getting all jumbled from this." 

"Come over here, I can do a quick scan to make sure you're getting it." Yeji motions for him to come over to her side of the table. 

Soobin quietly walks over to the other side, making sure that his sister, who's sleeping soundlessly on the couch in the workshop isn't awake at all. 

"Before I scan over your calculations, admit that I'm smarter than you." Yeji teasingly grins, knowing that her friend would never admit his defeat. 

The taller makes a face, rolling his eyes at the silly joke coming out from the model's mouth. "Very cute Ji, now scan my calculations." 

"I'm being serious." The model tries her best to hold her laughter in, she feels as if she's going to explode last minute into fits of laughter. "I've been ranking first place so far in the exams.."

Soobin giggles at how funny his best friend is. "And you don't think out of nowhere, I'll suddenly become first place again?" 

The close proximity between finally hits the dimpled male and he has two things running in his mind. One is being respectful of Ryujin and Yeji's relationship and backing away. However, the other one is taking advantage of this space and telling his best friend that he saw Ryujin at the coffee shop with another girl. 

"Soobin?" Yeji asks, confused at the sudden daze from the taller and why he's somewhere in his thoughts. 

At the calling of his name, Soobin utterly shakes his head and returns his attention upon the gaze of the model's face. Letting out a sigh before he shorty tells her about the coffee shop earlier. "Yeji, you know how much I love you, right?" 

"...Soobin, you know that I don't feel the same way as you anymore." 

The male smiles painfully but he continues. "Whether as friends or a lover, you know I love you and I want everything for you to be happy. Watching you be happy and knowing that you're happy is all I need to know for me to be happy. And, I'm not about to tell you this information as a form of wanting you to come back to me. And much as I want you and I together, I would never purposefully gather fake information like this." 

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeji, when I walked in that coffee shop for those brief seconds, I saw Ryujin holding hands with another girl. No, it wasn't Chaeryeong or Yuna either. It's someone I've never seen on this campus before.." Soobin carefully admits the truth and he feels a sort of relief fall off his shoulders, however, he didn't like the expression that's fallen onto the girl he loves. 

Yeji stays silent for a couple of seconds, grasping with what her best friend just told her. "And you're sure it's Ryujin? My Ryujin? Not just some girl with short blue hair?" 

Soobin's eyes are telling the truth and suddenly Yeji feels like her throat is getting suffocated at the mere thought of Ryujin. 

"I'm really sorry, Ji." Soobin replies, feeling bad. 


Yeji taps on the book she's studying from with her pen impatiently, sitting on the couch as she waits for the younger to walk through their front door. She doesn't know how to brace herself yet for when Ryujin walks in. Or the thought of what their relationship may come down to. 

Hearing the doorknob getting jiggled on the other side, she holds her breath. Yeji starts feeling nervous and scared, to be exact. 

"I'm so glad to be back home." Ryujin stretches out her arms while letting out a yawn, tired from the late dinner with her friends. 

Immediately at the sight of a cold-headed Yeji, the blue haired huffs. "What's up with you?" 

"Shin, come sit here." The silver haired pats the space near her. 

Ryujin creates her brows, taking off her shoes in the process before proceeding to walk over towards the couch. "Okay?" 

Sitting criss-cross apple sauce, she faces the older. "What's going on? I really had a long day and I would just love to take a nice hot shower and get to bed." 

"Earlier today, when my friends and I were going out for a small treat, we previously stopped by the new coffee shop that opened up near our university." The model softly says and Ryujin doesn't notice the way her wife is starting to feel upset again. "However, Soobin wanted ice cream at the last minute. Jisu and I was confused on why he switched his mind." 

The art major sighs, feeling exhausted and bored as she lays her head back against the couch's back. "And what does this have to do with me?" 

"Soobin told me he saw you with another girl." Yeji replies, looking defeated at the way Ryujin seems so careless. "Is it true?" 

"Oh. Yeah, it's true." Ryujin replies, looking up at the ceiling. "It was Heejin, if you were wondering." 

At the name, Yeji feels an irritation rising up her chest. "Wait, you mean the girl you brought-" 

"-The one I was kissing on the counter? Yeah, that's her." Ryujin picks her head off the couch, her attention back on her wife. "I'm nor cheating on you, if that's what he was worried about. Our friend died this morning, it was her girlfriend. I admit, I was holding her hand to comfort her. But that was it." 

The feeling of suffocation that was in her throat earlier suddenly appears at the sight of a lipstick stain on the younger's neck. The words that Ryujin just told her didn't matter anymore as she reaches over with both her hands to examine the lipstick stain. It's neither none of her lipstick shades nor Ryujin, considering the fact that Ryujin never wears any. 

"Oh. We were just playing truth-or-dare with a couple of old friends and Heejin was dared to kiss me." The blue haired tiredly speaks, pushing Yeji's hands off of her. She's tired-she wants to cry in peace over Hyunjin's death. 

Yeji scoffs, her brows furrowing at the way the younger is acting. "Did you forget that you're married? Why would you let another girl kiss you? How hard did you guys kissed for her to leave a mark on your neck?" 

"God Yeji, we're just friends. It was just a small 'cheering up game' over the loss of our friend." Ryujin sighs, resting her head in her hands. "Stop being such a nag right now. I'm tired." 

The cat eyed rips her eyes away from her wife, looking down at the floor of their living room before she clears her throat. "I don't have an issue with you coming home late at this time, I get that you have your own social life. However, I won't tolerate this behavior from you. You're grieving the lost of your friend that you just lost, so I'll be patient with you. Maybe, I should stay somewhere else for the time being to give you time alone." 

Ryujin brings her head up at the words from the model. 


-- -- -- 

unedited, whoopsies. i honestly just want to bring in more drama before the story ends lol. 

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