fifty four

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Jisu and Soobin both watch as their friend zips up her jacket, her backpack resting on her back and her sports duffel in her hand with her car keys in her other hand. Soobin supports the idea of Yeji going back home after getting a call from Ryujin. However, Jisu, on the other hand isn't very much happy about Yeji going back. 

To be frank, she thinks Ryujin needs more time to herself before hurting Yeji like that. 

Her heart ached that night when she witnessed her best friend crying softly while muttering at the fact that Ryujin kissed another woman. All Jisu could felt was anger for letting herself trust Ryujin for taking care of her best friend. 

Jisu doesn't want to let Yeji go but at the end of the night, all decisions falls onto Yeji. 

"Are you sure you want to go back now?" The younger carefully asks, getting nudged in return from her brother. 

The cat eyed stops pacing back and fourth in Jisu's room, setting her sports duffel on the ground gently before looking the shorter into the eyes. "You don't think it's a good idea for me to go, right?" 

"Don't listen to Jisu!" Soobin interrupts the two girls, his voice being the loudest in the room. "Follow your heart, Ji!" 

Yeji notices the way her best friend is suddenly sitting at the foot of the bed, looking evidently sad and disappointed in her. "Jisu, tell me why you don't think it's right." 

"I don't want you to go back and end up getting disappointed." Jisu replies, her voice becoming smaller. "As your best friend, it hurts when you cried and went to bed exhausted from crying. Whether you choose to ignore it or not, she still cheated on you at the end of the day. After one phone call, you want to go back?" 

The silver haired relaxes her shoulders, heaving a sigh before placing all her things on the floor and walking over to seat next to the psychology major. "You probably think I'm crazy, huh?" 

Jisu doesn't reply to the model's statement. 

"I'm putting someone else before me, Jisu." Yeji gently speaks, letting out a hum afterward. "Whether I'm going to feel hurt or not, she's the person I'm married to. I have to take care of her and be there for her. I know you want the best for me, I do." 

The brown haired sighs, her shoulders moving up and down before she ultimately lets out a slight nod. "We're always going to have our home open to you, okay? If you need to come back, don't hesitate to let us know." 

"I know, Su." Yeji smiles, stroking the head that's resting on her shoulder.  


Yeji slams the car door in a rush, ready to get inside and come home finally to her wife. While walking up towards the door that opens to the kitchen, her heart feels anxious. For a moment, Yeji doesn't want to open the door just yet. 

Is she scared? Scared of the fact that Jisu may be right? Once again, Yeji lets out a small laugh at herself for being taunted. Shaking her thoughts away, the model turns the door knob. The sense of being back home at the sight of the dining room makes the model happy. 

"Yeji?" Ryujin asks from the living room, getting up at the doors' noises. 

She rushes to the door and at the sight of seeing the silver haired's presence, Ryujin tackles her wife into a tight embrace. "I lied about wanting to have space ; the only thing I need is you." 

Yeji drops everything in her hands, wrapping her arms around the younger's frame. "I missed you, Shin. A lot." 

Just then, in their moment, Ryujin's phone rings prompting both of them to let go of one another so the blue haired could answer the phone. Without reading the contact's name, she answers the phone and surprised to hear Heejin crying on the other line. 

"Hello? What's wrong?" 

The girl on the other line lets out a sniff. "Could you come here? I just need someone right now and the others say I was being ridiculous so they went out somewhere else. I don't have anyone else either." 

"Yeah-okay. I'll be on my way soon." Ryujin agrees, concern in her heart over Heejin. 

Yeji picks up her things off the ground, walking to the living room. "Are you going somewhere?" 

The younger contemplates lying for a moment before making the decision of telling the truth. "'s just Heejin needs someone right now.." 


The cat eyed tries not to make herself seem sad, nodding slowly at what her wife told her before letting out a small forced smile. "Go ahead then." 

"I probably won't be back until the morning, just wanted to let you know before you file a missing person report for me." Ryujin tries to ease the tension that is suddenly set off in the room, hoping for the model's eyes to soften. 

However, it doesn't. 

"I'll try not to file one." Yeji responds before she hears the front door shut suddenly, letting out a dry laugh at the way Ryujin didn't even bid her goodbye. 


Ryujin knows she messed up again, leaving her wife alone at their home when she was the one who called her over. Yet, here she is in someone else's arms in a form of comfort. She's not in the wrong when it means helping out a friend, right? 

"Ryu, you're the only one I need these days." Heejin speaks, tiredly as her face is met with the blue haired. Bringing one of her hands up to brush the loose hairs out the way of the artist's soft face. 

The blue haired lets out a soft smile, her frame getting embraced by Heejin. 

"Thank you for being here with me. I'll make it up to you one day." 

Ryujin lightly hums, her eyes wanting to drift off the to sleep as well. "Don't worry about it, Heejin. Whatever you need, I'll be here." 

-- -- -- 

ryujin needs someone to smack her into place. 

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