Chapter 56

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"Okay thank you" Mallory said as she ended the call. "They're willing to make a space for me" Mallory smiled.

"That's great, what isn't great is that" Noelle pointed to the paparazzi outside the cafe and across the street.

"Are they still asking you about your father?" Mallory asked as she put her phone into her bag. "Yeah, it's probably because they don't have any answers or any new stories to talk about" Noelle said as she put her nude coat over shoulders.

"Give them a new story" Mallory shrugged. "Like what?" Noelle asked. "You're talking to Nick aren't you?" Mallory raised her brow.

"I'm just trying to help him get justice" Noelle responded.

"I think you and I and even him know that's not the only reason. Kiss him, where they can see you and if they know who he is they'll start doubting that there's any bad blood. So basically they'll stop asking questions. It won't stop them from following you and all of us but it'll mainly be to snap pictures of your outfits, I mean you're The Noelle Cassidy, youngest CEO of the Kline empire" Mallory smiled as she stepped out of the car and so did Noelle.

From afar a picture of Mallory closing the door was snapped with the diamond on her finger being bright as ever. She had forgot to cover it up or hide her hand.

Mallory walked behind Noelle who was being mobbed and drowned with questions about the murder of Katherine.

Once they were inside they asked to get a table in the back but before they walked over to their table they ordered. Noelle looked aside and saw Nick on his phone. She had agreed to meet with him but didn't expect to see him at the café. Noelle was to busy looking at him that she didn't hear Mallory or the barista speaking to her. Mallory turned to see what Noelle was looking at and then touched her shoulder.

"They ran out of chocolate croissants" Mallory said. "A chocolate muffin is fine" Noelle said.

Mallory finished ordering a plate of fruit and avocado toast.

"Did you invite him?" Mallory asked once she was done ordering. "No" Noelle answered. Nick turned and saw Noelle and smiled.

"We should get a table in the front" Noelle said. "We can't without having all of them snapping pictures of us while we eat" Mallory pointed. The only table available was besides Nick.

"Hey" Nick got up and removed his airpods.

"Hi" Noelle responded. "You know you guys don't have to speak to each other awkwardly because I'm here right?" Mallory said.

"Hi" Nick said to Mallory. "Hello" Mallory responded.

Mallory looked at Noelle then at Nick before nodding to herself. "I'll leave you two alone to talk" Mallory said.

"I'll catch you up at the table in a moment" Noelle said to Mallory. "I meant that I'm leaving so that you two can speak. My appointment is in about an hour so I'll just go" Mallory said.

"Who's going to drive you?" Noelle asked.

"I was actually hoping to borrow your car" Mallory smiled.

"What about me?" Noelle asked. "I can take you" Nick quickly responded making Noelle look over her shoulder at him.

"I was hoping you'd say that" Mallory smiled. Mallory grabbed Noelle's keys from her hand.

Noelle looked at Mallory who smiled and hugged her to whisper in her ear, "get laid, its what both of you want and need"

Mallory walked over to the counter and they had her food just in time. She asked for it to take out. Once she had her food she took out her sunglasses from bag and stepped out and was now the one being asked how her day was going.

"Great thanks" Mallory said as she unlocked Noelles car.

"You look stunning Mallory, is the outfit a design of your mothers?" Another photographer asked about the baby blue jumpsuit she was wearing.

"No it's Elie Saab" she said as she opened the door.

"Have a great day Mallory" a few of them said as they continued to snap pictures. "Thanks now if you guys could give my cousin the same respect" Mallory said before getting in and driving away.


Mallory stepped into the hotel and walked over the reception. "Hi I'm here to see Mr Elie Saab"

"Name?" The receptionist asked. "Mallory Kline" she said. The receptionist called and informed that Mallory was there. The receptionist nodded and let Mallory proceed giving her the suite number.

Mallory took the elevator up to the floor and knocked once she was outside. The door was immediately opened by one his assistants who let her in.

"Mallory, pleasure to have you"

"The pleasure is all mine, thank you for making a space for me" Mallory smiled.

"Please" Elie pointed with his hand for her to have a seat. "Thank you" Mallory sat and he took a seat across her.

"Now what can I do for you?"

"My mother said you'd be in town and thankfully I was able to meet with you before you leave, your assistant said you leave tonight"

"My wife and I have a wedding to attend back in Paris so we have to fly out tonight" He nodded.

"Really? We'll I don't want to take to much time. A wedding is precisely what I came to speak to you about" Mallory said but he interrupted her. "Will you be attending a wedding you'd like me to design you a dress for? Or for your family's annual ball? I know it's not to long from now" He asked.

"No it's none of those which actually I would love for you to design my dress for this years ball but I would actually love if you'd design me a dress for my wedding" Mallory smiled.

"May I see the ring?" He asked. Mallory showed her hand with her ring.

"It's beautiful, may I ask who your fiancé is?"

"His name is Devin Clemonte, his father is Chicagos most prestige lawyer" Mallory smiled. "Lucky boy, well it would be my honor to design your wedding gown. When will the wedding be?"

"We're thinking by the first days of January" Mallory smiled.

"A few months away. I'll draw some designs and bring them back to you in about three or four weeks." He said.

"Sounds perfect" Mallory nodded. "Do you have an idea of how you would like it?"

"I know I want it to be big and puffy but I'd like to see your vision of different styles that you'd believe fit my body" Mallory spoke so excited to be planning her wedding.

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