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"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What- I can't enjoy a party?" Lisa's voice was muffled, food content filling her mouth. She had a pair of chopsticks in her mouth, probably her partner in crime to help her scrummage through the fridge.

"Well no it's just- I never knew you did parties."

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me Jeon," The girl rolled her eyes sarcastically, she closed the door. She scrunched her face at a making out couple nearby and pushed past them to go and sit on a counter.

"Good point you made there, but how'd you hear about this party? It's literally a high school reunion," Jeongguk's eyes followed her every move. She finished all of the meat on the drumstick she was eating and tossed it somewhere else.

"I have my ways."

Jeongguk hummed in response and he went to open the fridge, looking for a drink himself. He pulled out a beer can and two coke cans. The sound of the fridge closing wasn't heard as the music was extremely loud, the floor made little 'thump' sounds as each beat sounded.

"Just a heads up, that beer flavor tastes terrible with coke mixed in it. I don't know what idiot puts such things in his fridge together."

"That's Jaehyun for you. The coke isn't for me though, It's for Tae," Jeongguk said as he tossed one of the cans to the girl. "See you later Lisa."

The dark haired boy smiled to himself as he thought about going back to meet the familiar blonde and their friends. As much as he doubted coming out to the party, it's been so long since he saw everyone. Nostalgia hit him and all those fun childhood memories came back into mind. It felt great.

When he walked back into the room, what he didn't expect was to see a certain sight.

Taehyung, a giggling mess, sitting on Jaehyun's lap as he was tickled him to death.

"Stop it Jae you're going to kill me!" The blonde was furiously laughing as he twist and turned in the other's lap to avoid his attack. Jaehyun let out a loud laugh and pushed his hands harder into the boy's waist. The said boy's face was red from laughing.

Jeongguk's hands gripped his can tighter, a dent forming.

Sitting down on the couch, the dark haired male placed the can of coke on the glass table next to him. The sound of a beer can opening was heard, as well as the sound of a large swig being taken. He swallowed, deciding to look elsewhere. He didn't need to remind himself of what reality he was living. This was how it had always been, and it seems that this was how it was always going to be. They weren't together, why should he be angry anyways? For a best friend to be possessive over the crush when he never had the guts to confess, that was unfair.



"Jeongguk! Are you even listening?"

"Oh what- sorry I didn't hear."

"I could tell, thank you for finding me soda instead. I thought someone told me Jaehyun only had alcohol."

Jeongguk sighed, deciding to leave his mind and engage in conversation. "Angel, if he only alcohol he would have been an alcoholic by now. I had managed to find some in one of his many kitchens."

A giggle left the others lips and he placed his drink down. "Isn't it so strange? I never expected that Jaehyun would become some sort of rich man! Remember in high school, he would always go on about how he would just move in with his parents."

Jeongguk let out a laugh, nodding his head in agreement. "I was thinking the same thing! I'm kind of happy for him, I thought the poor boy would end up homeless."

"Yeah, I wonder how he lives all by himself. I was all jealous at first but,"Taehyung shifted his body to sit closer to Jeongguk. He rested his chin on the boy's shoulder and looking start up at him. "But I'd much rather live with you, anyways."

The dark haired felt his chest tighten, he looked down. "Y-Yeah, me too."

"Recently I'd been thinking about how much I love you, Gguk. I'm really glad we've been close for so long."

But Jeongguk knew what he meant. He knew he didn't mean it the way he wished he did. He couldn't pretend, he shouldn't. But with the gaze the blonde was giving to him, it felt impossible. Those almond shapes eyes that made Jeongguk fall in love from the start. Those adorable pink pouty lips, not to mention the change of style he wore today. It was getting hard to resist. Jeongguk pushed the boy away.

"I'm g-going to the bathroom, go back to Jaehyun."

"Why so suddenly? Your face is red, are you sick?"

"No but I'm feeling a bit like it," Jeongguk mumbled, under his breath.

"What? Did I do something wr-"

"Nothing. I just need some space. Call me when you're ready to go."

And just like that Jeongguk was off to another room, leaving Taehyung alone on the couch. The sounds of the party had only increased, but the blonde couldn't hear anything but the question's he held in his mind. An akward atmosphere had surfaced. The tension was now there, but Taehyung just didn't know why.

By the time the pair of best friends got back, the tension hadn't subsided. Jeongguk threw his keys elsewhere, not bothering to put them where they belong. His jacket was soon sprawled out over the table and he kicked his shoes elsewhere. Taehyung stared at his behavior, concerned about his mood change.



"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"At the party earlier, did I say something wrong?"

Jeongguk turned to face the blonde, his sour expression turned soft after he let out a sigh. "No, you didn't. I'm sorry I made you feel like that Tae."

"You don't have to apologize to me I was just wondering. Is something on your mind?"

"I guess I- Maybe I just- Well It's-"

Taehyung placed a hand on the other, "Hey it's just me, you don't have to worry. Tell me everything Gguk."

Jeongguk took a deep breath, though going through his head. He didn't realize he was saying his thoughts out loud, though.

"I guess I was jealous of the guys that kept touching you, I just wanted you all to myself."

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