Twenty Nine

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The sky was pastel blue and clouds were nowhere to be seen. It was a Saturday and Jeongguk and Taehyung were walking in the park near their old elementary school to clear things up. It was hard for Jeongguk to find it in him to go but he couldn't hide the fact that he was going to miss all of the walks and talks when he broke the news to Taehyung, but he figured he would enjoy it as much as he could. Truthfully, he was curious about how he would was going to take the news, and he still couldn't believe the choice he was going to make. But he wanted to try to enjoy every moment regardless.

"I remember this pathway, I think I chased a couple of people down this alleyway actually," Jeongguk chuckled, looking at broken cemented. It was old.

"Good for you Jeongguk, I got chased down this pathway. So unfair!" Taehyung pouted.

"It's okay, you know if I was there I would have totally scared them away," The dark haired smiled.

Taehyung's cheeks turned rosey as the wild began to blow, and he crossed his arms and looked forward, focusing on his foodsteps as they walked.

They continued walking a bit continuing to reminisce when Taehyung paused.

"Here, let's go this way."

After several years the area was pretty difficult to recognize, but the memories were still there. During kindergarten they used to walk in this area everyday, and they couldn't help but reflect how their friendship has lasted. For over a decade, their bond was really stronger than ever.

Taehyung took them down a path that Jeongguk couldn't remember at all. They reached an open field, and a wooden piece was found in the middle. Jeongguk stopped in his tracks and gasped.

It was the wooden cabin that they would go to when they were kids.

"I thought it would be nice to come back to our favorite childhood corner," Taehyung smiled.

The wood was battered and old, but it was still intact. Jeongguk could feel all the memories flow back into his mind. All the smiles, the laughs and everything in between. They went inside, bending so that they could fit inside the door.

"I can't believe it's still intact. This cabin definitely has gone through hell and back," Jeongguk said, knocking on the wood.

Taehyung knocked on it too, "Oh my gosh! That's some sturdy wood."

They laughed at each other, soaking up all of things that had occurred in this cabin over the years. Taehyung could remember all of the times little Jeongguk and Taehyung would babble about practically anything.

"So, you said you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah I-"

"Damn this cabin is still here?!"

The two boys snapped their heads up, hearing voices from the outside. It sounded like to males, as of which must've known of the same cabin they were in. Jeongguk opened his mouth, getting ready to ask who it was but Taehyung stopped him, making a shushing symbol with his finger. They stayed quiet listening in on the men were talking.

"I remember this cabin, I think I remember when I would kick some boy around at recess and he would run off here or something, good times," One guy said. Taehyung gasped in shock, realizing it must've been someone who had tantalized him when he was a kid.

Jeongguk frowned. What were the odds that the day they went to find reminisce on a childhood memory that they meet people who had made his childhood hell? He looked at Taehyung with empathy, but the boy just smiled at him shaking his head to emphasize that everything was okay.

"I wonder where he is now, probably didn't make it far in life. Especially being a scaredy cat like that," The other guy echoed.

Jeongguk began to stand up, but Taehyung pulled him back down.

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