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Taehyung lay on his stomach as he sorted out the polaroids they had taken the day before. His fingers settled on the ones Jeongguk had taken of him.To say he was just embarrassed would be too very little. It may have been such a conclusion he jumped too but he couldn't help it, the boy just got so close.

And it somehow made Taehyung's mind wander.

How gorgeous his face looked from up close, barely a flaw in sight. Taehyung had never really payed attention to the little details before. The way his heart started up was what confused him the most. He got so nervous, but what was there to get nervous about?

Taehyung brought his fingers up to touch his lips.

He wondered what it would have felt like if the boy had done what he thought he was going to do. How interesting would it be to know what it felt like for their lips to connect in a way other than just verbal communication.

Taehyung was snapped out of his thoughts as his phone began to ring. He frowned at his strange daydream and quickly pressed the green button on the phone.

"Hey Jiminie."

"Taehyungie!" A familiar lighter pitched voice was heard on the other side of the line. "I have a proposal!"

"A proposal about what? Is this about you and Yoongi again?"

"No! Wait- hey! We're doing just fine thank you very much," Taehyung could practically image the cute angry expression on the older's face right now. "But no it's not. I thought that maybe we could use a getaway! You know, since you've been acting a bit weird recently."

"Huh? I'm not acting weird!"

"Yeah you are! All the times we talk you seem like their something in your mind."

Taehyung sighed, ignoring the first person that popped into his head. "I've been acting normal Jimin, you must be confused. So anyways, getaway? With whom, where, when?"

Shuffling was heard through the phone, signaling that Jimin was switching through some papers, "Here! Wait- change it to FaceTime so you can see!"

The blonde rolled his eyes and pressed his finger on the 'video' option. His fellow co-worker and friend was seen through the video in a pair of cotton puppy pajamas, his platinum hair was tossed and fluffed in different directions.

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that?"

"Dang, I guess Yoongi really does have an influence on you."

"Whatever!" The shorter boy rolled his eyes and shifted his camera towards his counter. Four pairs of tickets were lined up. "We got free trips to Alstroemeria!"

"Astro- what?"

"Alstroemeria," Jimin emphasized every syllable. "It's a resort in another city! There's a hotel and then there's a waterpark. But the place we'll be going to would be the areas to see! Since we both have passion for flowers, I figured that this would be the perfect place. It's pretty much made of flowers! And at night, there's a pretty hot tub that turns pink in the dark! I don't really see why they do that- but I've always wanted to have a make-out session in there! In a hot tub that's somewhere romantic. Kind of like in that movie we watched? Also, even their food is shaped into flowers! Well- uh that actually sounds gross- but there's so many fun things to do there and I've always wanted to go. Plus you can bring your best friend!"

"They have a pink hot tub?" 

"Yeah! It sounds weird but I swear it's super romantic, I really want to make out with Yoongi in there."

"I honestly didn't need to know that."

"Shut up! I bet that you'll find someone to make out with in there. I'm sure of it!"

"Yeah, right. That's not gonna happen."

"Oh it might~" Jimin sang playfully. "So anyways, you- me- vacation?"

Taehyung sighed, he didn't have any work for the next few days. There wasn't much else that he needed to do other than that. As for Jeongguk, their restaurant had gone under a little bit of renovation so he wouldn't be able to work there until the next week. In all honestly the blonde wasn't worried about time. He was still embarrassed from his mistake the previous day. After he walked off they didn't speak much the rest of the day, he was too flustered to say anything. But Jeongguk would probably love a vacation too, so maybe it was good to set aside his embarrassment for a little bit. Their friendship was coming back to normal now, but there was still some indecipherable tension. Maybe it would be good to getaway.

"When do the tickets expire?"


"Oh oka- what? That's in two days! What the hell Jimin?"

"Uh... sorry?"

"So if it expires on Wednesday that would mean we'd have to take a flight tomorrow?! Seriously?"

"Yup get packin mister."


The line cut off.

Taehyung sighed once again, typical Jimin. It was so like Jimin to propose random things whether they weren't for months or they were the following day. Since Jimin had said it was flowers, the other was sort of curious now. He'd always wanted to go to a flower based place. Perfect for pictures.

Maybe I should go ask Jeongguk.

I don't want to face him though, not after yesterday.

Taehyung picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Once he found his best friends he sent him a text.


Wanna go on a vacation?

I'm literally in the room next you
Why are you texting me?
Vacation, what are you on about?

Remember when you told me there was a lot on your mind?


Well co-worker Jimin got free tickets to some place called Astrolemia?
I don't even remember but
You know
The boy you met at the restaurant with his boyfriend some time ago?

Oh yeah I remember him
He was so excited about the food lol

Are you up for it?

Well it's free so
Why not?
When's the flight


Seen 1:02 pm

Kim Taehyung.
Seen 1:04 pm

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