Twenty One

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A good ten minutes went by, with a sobbing boy in a confused one's arms. Taehyung was bombarded with concern and confusion, but he still continued to let out sounds of nothing but sniffles. Much to Jeongguk's dismay each cry made his heart ache a little bit. Something tremendous must've happened in a short time. An arm caressed the cave of the smaller's back.

Once the wailing had subsided, Jeongguk looked down at him. Red face of anger and red nose of sadness. He tried asking him again, "I'm terribly worried Taehyung, talk to me."

The blonde choked on the built up liquid in this throat and let out a cough. His hair bounced around with each croak.

Jeongguk couldn't help but chuckle but he soon let it dissolve. The boy continued coughing, but it was obvious that his face was full of nothing vexation. "You okay? Well- clearly not but-"

"Gosh why am I so sensitive!"

The raven haired elevated his eyebrows in surprise at the blonde's sudden outburst. Looking over at him, one could see how he looked upset and sad. Like he wanted to scream but cry.

"What do you mean, Tae?"

The older gripped his bright locks, "I'm still the same Taehyung as I was in grade school."

Jeongguk's face turned to one of confusion once again, he was trying to piece together what the other was saying. He continued.

"Jeongguk, why is it that they say 'those who talk bad about you are behind you for a reason?" His voice cracked at every sentence. His body shivered and he felt his legs want to slip from underneath him.

"Oh, maybe to make a person feel better?" Jeongguk was the thrown off by the question but he wrapped his arms around the shaking boy. Taehyung cried, even harder this time. Jeongguk managed to put two and two together and he whispered softly, "Did you see anyone when you were outside?"

Taehyung sniffled, not saying much.

Jeongguk let out a small smile, "Who was it?"

"I don't even know if I want to say, i'm embarrassed."

"I'll always be all ears and no judgement, love. If you don't want to though that's okay."

Taehyung paused, and stared at the wall for a little after that, not saying much. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows but still continue to rub his back in comfort.

The blonde cleared his throat, "I saw the boy who used to tease me when we were younger, the one you'd fight for me often."

Jeongguk felt his eyes widen, his mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"It really wasn't a big deal, but he remembered everything. The first thing he did after he recognized me was laugh and he didn't seem very sorry. Not that i'm asking for sympathy, but-"

He cut himself off to begin again, "I didn't expect for it to pang at my heart. And when I felt that pang I just thought it was stupid how emotional I became. He always told me I wasn't worth much in our younger years, and I'm having a hard time disagreeing with him. I'm not strong."

Jeongguk couldn't help but feel anger flow through his blood. His best friend had a rough experience with people, and he never expected that he'd run into any of them again. He never wanted him to feel hurt by them either. It was tempting, to say the least, for the dark haired to not walk right out that door and find him, but what was most important was the boy whom he comforted.

His favorite boy.

"Weak, my ass, I totally kicked his ass everytime," Jeongguk whispered under his breath. He looked at the sniffling boy and frowned. "Hey, you're not weak. In fact, you're nothing but strong. Remember that time when he said that he hated your hair when it was red? So you told him that at least it was better than the terrible buzz haircut he had that made him look like that one kid from the polar express?"

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