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warnings: the following program contains scenes of graphic stupidity among for lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other- just kidding. (if you understood this you're probably sexy af ngl)

warning: angst

long chapter <3


Jeongguk slapped his apartment door behind himself, panting heavily. By the time he had made it to his apartment complex the rain had drenched his clothes from top to bottom. His hair was wet and tossed, his shirt disheveled and his socks that now had water in them were seeping into his feet. The soaked boy winced at the irritating squeaking of his wet shoes against the wooden floor.

After a few shivers ran down his spine, Jeongguk rushed over his room to change the wet attire. He slipped on a pair of gray sweats, leaving him shirtless. He was about to go raid the kitchen until he realized he heard no noise coming from Taehyung's bedroom.

"Angel?" Jeongguk cracked open the door, he looked around the room. The room was empty. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Taehyung hadn't mentioned anything to me about leaving. He doesn't work on Tuesdays.

He searched the other rooms, just in case the smaller boy was curled up with a blanket in another room. Nothing..

Taehyung didn't like to go out often, he was more of an inside kind of boy. He'd spend most of his time clinging to Jeongguk or taking photos of things around the house.


He pulled out his phone to call him. To be honest, Jeongguk was an other thinker. He tried not to be, but his thoughts out ruled his heart sometimes. Every time Taehyung left unexpectedly, Jeongguk felt his heart pulse out of his chest. He told himself he would never be able to live happily if something bad ever happened to him.

That was a factor of being in love, worry and overthinking.

After he nibbled on his bottom him, the phone finally picked up, "Taehyung? Where are you?"

"Woah Gguk calm down," Taehyung's giggled rang from the other side of the line. "I'm fine!"

"Alright," he sighed in relief, "Where are you? You don't usually have work on Tuesdays."

"Uhm actually, Minjae took me out on a date."


"Just 'Oh?' again?" Taehyung laughed.

"I meant to say okay."


"Are you happy?"

Taehyung seemed startled by the question, taking a few seconds to answer. "Of course i'm happy! Why?"

"Good, that's all that matters to me."

Jeongguk heard Taehyung gulp through the phone, but he quickly covered it up with a cough. "So- is there a specific reason why you called?"

"I- uhm.. I just wanted to make sure you were warm since it's raining out. Are you covered up?"

"No I actually have a short sleeves on," Jeongguk could perfectly picture the cute pout that'd be on the blonde's  face right now.

"Just short sleeves? What?! It's freezing out why didn't Minjae give you an umbrella or his jacket?"

"Well I tried asking."

"What? W-"

"You ready to go cutie?" Jeongguk recognized the new voice he heard in the background,

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