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After finding out what happened, it took every ounce of Jeongguk's body to convince himself not to brutally murder Minjae. He did make Taehyung did block Minjae, in which the latter agreed. Taehyung decided he had enough of going on dates, he only needed his best friend anyway.

The pair of best friends were at the park on a Saturday, it was a bit warm that winter day. Air crisp but there wasn't any wind so it was a perfect for people to go out.

Jeongguk was giving Taehyung a piggyback ride and they were both giggling uncontrollably.

"Stop~ you're going to drop me Ggukie!" Taehyung giggled as he grabbed onto his neck tighter and closed his eyes. Jeongguk only ran faster, making the blonde yelp and squeeze his eyes harder.

"But this is how a horse rides with a prince on his back," Jeongguk laughed. He brought them to a bench and then let the older off his back.

"Hmm~ I guess you're right, carry me again!" Taehyung stuck out grabby hands at the other. Jeongguk shook his head and playfully patted his thigh.

"You missed your chance Angel," Jeongguk placed him down on the bench while the other kicked his feet in rebellion.


The raven haired let out a laugh and joined him on the bench. The park looked so pretty, the pretty pink leaves were glowing along with the pastel painted sky. He gazed at the scenery, sighing in satisfaction as it reminded him of Taehyung. He turned to the blonde, only to find the blonde strangely staring at him.

"What? Is there something on my face," Jeongguk touched around his face, looking to find anything there.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw a fly," Taehyung coughed and looked in front of him. His face was a little red, probably from the cold wind.

"Lies! Tell me whats on my face right now," Jeongguk pestered him.

"Fine," Taehyung shifted his body to face the other, "I was staring at your...ugliness!"

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"I hate that you're right."

"I always am."

"Ehhh, I could name many times when you weren't."

"Go for it!" Taehyung crossed his arm, smiling confidently.

"Alright. First, you still went out with Bogum when you knew he was a dick-"

"Alright, Alright fine, you're always right."

"Ha! Tell me something I don't know," Jeongguk sighed cockily, laughing when Taehyung walked away to another bench with a pout. Jeongguk stretched his body out and spread his legs to sit comfortably on the bench. Suddenly he heard the vibration of his phone, he scrambled his hands in his pockets to see the caller.


"AYO KOOKSTER! My man! My bro! What's been up wit ya recently?"

"Oh hey Jaehyun! Just the same old same old, whats up?"

"So remember our old friends? The ones that moved away?"

"Wow, it really has been awhile. I remember those days."

"Yeah, those were some good times. So we actually ran into each other the other day, and we wanted to do something that we used to do. Y'know, back in the old days 'n all."

"Oh really? What were you planning on doing?"

"Yup... remember how we used to host those sick ass parties, back in high school?"

"Oh yeah, those were crazy. Kind of scary, honestly."

"Nah, shit that was FIRE, bro."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes at Jaehyun's response. The latter had always been your average 'life of the party boy.' They became friends during high school. Jeongguk had been more focused on his grades while Jaehyun just wanted to party. The aforementioned helped Jeongguk loosed up a little.

"Anywayssss, we wanted to have a party. Y'know, like the good old times!"

Back in high school, Jaehyun hosted party's almost weekly. He'd probably been to parties more than he'd been to class. The parties were crazy. Insane. There'd be lights and decorations everywhere, alcohol left and right, and people went crazy during his parties. Everyone in school would attend. Even his brother, Jackson, invited people from his college.

Jeongguk wasn't a big fan of bringing Taehyung along, it was too intense for him. People would hit on him, try to sleep with him, ask for his number. Parties were overrated anyway, in both their opinions.

"Oh, like a reunion sort of thing?"

"Yeah! It'd be cool as hell! You could even bring your little crush friend. I know you still like him bro~"

Jeongguk sighed in annoyance at his taunt, "Whatever, he might not even want to go."

"Still, ask him! It's been awhile since i've seen him! He's a cute little fluff ball, that little dude."

"Yeah," Jeongguk let out a laugh. He looked over at Taehyung, only to see the said boy looking up at the tree. One of the fallen petals landed on his nose and he sneezed. "He really is."

"Anyways, I'll text you the details. You better come or else i'll beat your bunny lookin' ass. All jokes, later bro!"

Jeongguk shoved his phone back in his pocket. He gleamed over at the blonde. He was skipped around happily, hands full of the pink petals.

This, was going to be interesting.

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