Final Chapter

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Jeongguk stopped in his tracks, but as soon as he saw the boy, he couldn't take his attention away for some reason. His hair was dyed bright blue, with a side part, revealing his forehead and angelic face. He wore a caramel-colored sweater with a white collar shirt underneath. This was the first time in almost a decade since he'd seen Taehyung with a different hair color, he looked unreal. He tries to focus on how surprised he is to see him, trying to divert the attention from his appearance. Taehyung looked just as surprised to see him, he had his two hands holding paper, slightly crushing it as his grip tightened with nerves.

"Uhm, hi."


It's crazy how weeks of bitter, cold feelings, and indecipherable feelings can go away just with the presence of a special person. Neither of them would admit how warm their hearts became. They missed each other endlessly. Some things never go away.

"Thank you for coming, especially since you didn't have to," Taehyung looked at him as he inched closer. "You don't have to be here, I don't want you to feel forced."

"I'm here by choice," Jeongguk looked down at the ground as he took more steps, he then stood in place and looked up, eyes immediately linking with the other's eyes.

"Okay," Taehyung whispered, fidgeting with his pants. He straightened himself out and lifted the piece of paper in his hand.

"I have a letter that I wanted to read to you because I heard that sometimes I'm not always the best at understanding how I feel. So I wrote it down," Taehyung's hands shook.

"There's just one thing I'm going to ask of you."

"What is that?"

"I know how hard it is for us to stand here right now, so I will make things simple.

If you don't want to be friends after I read this, you can walk away

But if you change your mind, stay standing here."

Jeongguk looked at him, thrown off by the question, feeling nerves build up. Nevertheless, he nods, finding it hard to make eye contact with the boy for too long.

"I wrote you a letter, It's stupid but I realized part of the reason I have been acting so weird is that I needed time to process my emotions and writing helped me in some way. I know we aren't friends anymore but it's better late than never."

Jeongguk wanted to reply, but no words came out of his mouth.

He read aloud, "It's been tough for me to accept the way that things have come to. I never would have imagined our childhood friendship ending, but when I read your letter, I understood. There was part of me before that wished that these past couple of months never happened. I spent days wishing that we could build a time machine that would just bring us back to the older days. But I realized that I don't want that anymore. I'm happy that everything has happened because...

I have realized something I should have known for years.

First of all, I want to thank you for being the person you are. You've always used your golden heart with me. You show love in so many ways. I've never known anyone who could compare to how thoughtful you are. Calling to make sure I'm safe, listening to my endless thoughts, always uplifting me, being confident in me, and more. There are so many things I feel about you that I wish that you could feel from my heart. Sometimes I don't understand why you are the lovely way you are and how I ended up being able to live life with you. I never knew that life could be so lovely until I started to experience it with you.

As years went by I felt frustrated knowing that a lot of people weren't like you. It was hard for me to laugh with anyone like the way I laugh with you. Sitting by the windows in our dream apartment having late-night talks about aliens on other planets. Piggyback rides when we have photography days. Mentioning your name too much to others when I went on dates-- which is slightly embarrassing so ignore that part.

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