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"What are you fools doing?!?! There's customers waiting!"


To say that evening at Sugar & Spice was just chaotic, would be an understatement. On Friday nights, the restaurant was always insanely packed. Friends would go after a long week of school, couples would go on long due dates, and if was also a good place for family dinner. It is the biggest restaurant in the city after all.

The workers weren't doing so well. The waiters were pacing back and forth trying to fill in the orders of all the customers who were growing very impatient. Chefs were cooking at an unhealthily fast pace. The owner and boss, Seokjin, was screaming at the workers for being so slow, telling them to pick up the pace as if that w as even possible.

Jeongguk brought his glove-covered hand up to his face, wiping off some of his building sweat with his wrist. He chopped up the vegetables before throwing them onto the pan to get sautéed. He wasn't stressed at all. Cooking took his mind off of things.

It took his mind off of the fact that Taehyung was on a date with someone. And that someone wasn't him.

Taking a deep breath, Jeongguk grabbed the finished dish and made his way out of the kitchen.

The order was for table number five. When he arrived he saw a couple sitting there. One boy was very smiley, he had platinum hair. The other boy had an expressionless face on, his hair was dark red.

"Two kimchi stews, twelve spring rolls and a seaweed soup? "Jeongguk placed the plate holder down on the table getting ready to hand it to the customers.

"Yes that's us!" The platinum boy clapped his hands in excitement, almost jumping up and down.

"Jimin calm down, it's just food. The waiter probably thinks you're crazy." The dark red headed boy rolled his eyes. Jimin crossed his arms, pouting.

Jeongguk chuckled, placed their drinks on coasters and set their meal in front of them, "It's okay, I'm the same whenever I see food. It's like the one thing I look forward to all the time."

"See? The waiter understands me more than my own boyfriend," Jimin's shot his partner a glare.

The red haired boy rolled his eyes mumbling a 'whatever.'

Jeongguk laughed at the couple's little banter, his stress faltering a little. The couple were like opposites, one boy seemed like the brightest little angel while the other seemed a bit dark. Quite the unique match.


Jeongguk snapped out of his enjoyment, his stress rising again, he wished he could talk with the couple for a little longer but he had duties to take on. "Well, that's my queue to get back to the kitchen. It was nice meeting you guys, enjoy your meal."

He wasn't sure why he was even a chef and a waiter? Did Seokjin want to make it harder for him? His boss did say he was one of the higher level chefs, but he didn't expect to be given every single task. His boss must've wanted to drive him insane.

Jeongguk dragged himself over to the said table. All he wanted right now was to take a hot shower and continue binging the show he and Taehyung have been watching recently. It was cheesy romance, which he couldn't really say was his type. But Taehyung recommended it for him, so of course he took interest. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his notepad along with a pen.

"Hello and welcome to Sugar & Spice, what would you like- oh..."

You've got to be kidding me...

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