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Jeongguk, how did you not realize you were saying that out loud?

Why did you say that you idiot!

What the fuck.

Jeongguk was going crazy.

He was already embarrassed enough at his mistake, but thinking back to Taehyung's reaction just made him slightly die inside.

The boy had b l u s h e d and excused himself out of the room.

"Why Jeongguk why?!?!" Jeongguk slapped his cheeks angrily and embarrassed. "You probably made him feel so uncomfortable!"

He thrashed his body like crazy, the sheets were heavily wrinkled and the covers were on the floor. He groaned and slapped his face with a pillow repeatedly.

That same morning he decided he would clear up the situation by talking to the blonde, only to find that the boy had gone out. 'Roses are Red' was closed that day and he left his camera, so he definitely wasn't out taking pictures. That meant that Taehyung had left the apartment because of what he had said.

The thought made Jeongguk want the world to swallow himself whole.

Jeongguk fidgeted around, slapping himself in utter embarrassment and guilt until his cheeks were a deep red color. Even though the one sided love felt painful, he didn't care as much since if it meant they were still close. But after last night, their  special bond must've be ruined now. Just thinking about it just made Jeongguk want to cry, which he hadn't done in awhile.

So he did.


"So he said he 'wants you all to himself...?'"

"Uhm, I guess...?"

Taehyung was very confused.

Out of all things the younger could have said, he didn't expect to hear that. Maybe he didn't hear him right. Maybe he didn't mean it like that. How was Taehyung supposed to know what he meant, though?

So he was at Jimin's house to ask for advice.

The platinum haired boy laughed hysterically, his eye smile appearing. "Wow you must've looked damn good last night then!"

The blonde frowned, "Jimin I'm serious..."

Jimin stopped laughing and plastered on a fake-serious face. He sat up straight and stared at the younger. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I'm just confused, I don't understand what he's trying to say."

Jimin relaxed as he leaned back into the couch, "Honestly Taehyungie, I don't know either. Either he didn't mean to say that, or maybe he's implying something."


"Maybe he likes you?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes again, "Jimin we've been best friends since childhood."


"So it's how we feel about each other! We love each other as friends and it's always been like that," Taehyung explained, feeling like this wasn't helping at all. They've always been just friends, everyone knew that. So why did many of their friends think otherwise?

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