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Life has never the same for Taehyung and Jeongguk since that day. 

Jeongguk stayed at Lisa's place. Taehyung stayed at Jimin's place. Neither of them wanted to stay in the place that they once called home. 

It was a shocker for everyone, no one would have expected that the two would one day become strangers. Sometimes love meant going separate ways. Love was a funny thing.

Every laugh, every smile, every conversation was now a golden memory. A memory for the books, but not a continued memory. Unless those memories would be ones where they were strangers again. They hadn't been strangers since they were about five years old.

"Hey, Jeongguk slow down you'll cut yourself," Jeongguk's coworker, Mark, said to him as the boy was cutting the vegetables with his knife at an unsafe speed. 

Jeongguk shook his head and snapped out of it whispering, "Sorry."

"Woah, woah, woah Jeongguk what are you doing?" Jaebeom stopped the boy from picking up plates.

"Taking number six's their order to them?"

"Did you forget? We have to make another batch since someone accidentally put fish sauce in it, and one of them is allergic to seafood!

Jeongguk gasped, quickly setting the plates back down in guilt.

"You got to pay better attention man, I not sure what's up with you recently but we don't want to get sued today. Get it together, Seokjin expects more of you, you know that." 

"What's gotten into you Jeongguk? You mixed up several orders today and we ended up having to get some of the workers to make another batch," Seokjin scolded him as he sat across from him in his office.

But Jeongguk stared at the wall, not able to process the words being said to him. 

"Are you even listening?!"

"Yeah. I'm sorry boss, never again I promise."

"You gonna eat your noddles?" Lisa looked at Jeongguk from across her dinner table, watching him fiddle with his chopsticks. "You said you were pretty hungry."

"Sorry I am I just- sometimes it takes me a long time to eat when I'm tired," He said struggling to look her in the eyes, slurping one string of the noodles and slowly chewing it. 

She knew that was a lie.

Jimin unlocked the door to his apartment, holding take-out food in his hands. He purchased some dinner because neither he or Yoongi had the time to cook today and they were now a house of three. He placed it on the counter and began to heat the bowls in the microwave. Yoongi walks into the room with a smile, excited to see his boyfriend as usual. He places a kiss on his forehead but Jimin pulls him in for a loving kiss.

"How was your day Yoongs?" Jimin rested his arms around Yoongi's neck, smiling warmly.

"Pretty good, Juno told me that there was a shelter with cats in need. Told us to check it out sometime," Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair.

He squeals, they were thinking about adopting cats. But they wanted to give a home to about three cats. "Eek! I'm so excited, we get to have more kitties in this house than just you."

"I don't look like a cat, honey." He scoffed.

Jimin rolled his eyes at that, and mumbled a right. He took out the food from the microwave and Yoongi helped him set the table.

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