Twenty Six

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Yoongi was scrolling through the endless channels on the television in their hotel room, shaking his head at the several cartoon channels he struggled to get through to find the music channel, he heard the hotel room door creak open and Jeongguk walked in.

"Hey man, did you guys like the hot tub?"

Jeongguk's face was unreadable, almost unrecognizable.

His eyes were shining with tears that threatened to descend, but his face was serious, and frigid.

"Are you...ok?" Yoongi put the remote down, sensing something was wrong.

Jeongguk walked towards one of the beds than Yoongi sat on and joined him at the edge of it. Jeongguk sighed and his face felt into his hands.

"What's going on Gguk? I may be kind of bad at this stuff but you can talk to me if it helps."

"I think when we get back home, I'm going to move out."

Yoongi frowned, not expecting to hear that. He turned to look at him. "Move out, without Taehyung?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk took a deep breath. The air in the room was tense, and the night was no longer young. He could feel his heart pumping in disorientation. His mind had words bouncing off each other, struggling to know what to do. If there was one emotion he could identify right now, it was lost. He felt lost. The one boy he'd wished could love him the way he did kisses him and regretted it. He could practically remembered the way his face winced, and the feeling increases the pain in his heart. It was painful, to say the least.

"Well this is a first for me, Jimin talks to me about how much Taehyung loves living with you. You guys are best friends aren't ya?"

"We are, but I don't think that we should be anymore."

"Why do you say that? Did something happen between you guys."

"Taehyung kissed me."

Yoongi's jaw practically fell to the floor.

"This is going to be a surprise, I don't know why I'm telling my best friend's friend's boyfriend my deepest secret but it doesn't matter anymore. Just keep this between us please. Yoongi, I've been in love with Taehyung for a really long time. I remember the exact day I developed feelings for him, to this day. I don't really tell anyone except for a close friend I made recently. I think I hide it pretty well, but I've felt this way for so long that I feel like it's been consuming me. I've tried to move on, I feel like I've done everything and everything to stuff my feelings under me but I haven't been able to. I love him unconditionally but just the sight of his face after he realized he kissed me was filled with so much regret that. It pains me, Yoongi, it really hurt."

"Well I mean...was the kiss good?"

Jeongguk sighed eyed him looking at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

Yoongi burst out laughing, "I'm just kidding I'm just kidding!"

"To be honest, I understand how you feel," Yoongi looked at him. "A few years back, I had met someone that I thought was the person for me. This is going to sound like a completely different Yoongi, but I practically did everything for their attention, trying to get them to like me back. I'd spent so much of my time chasing them that I never knew what it was really like to let go of anything."

The dark haired looked at him in surprise. "So what did you do?"

"I decided to let go."

"I wrote them a letter, I wrote down every little feeling I felt towards them and I moved on with my life. Months later I met Jimin, and I never knew love like that existed with him. He's everything for me, I can't wait to come home to his pretty smile everyday. Letting go does wonders, maybe it's time you do that."

Jeongguk gulped, the years of memories they had rushing through his mind. "He's my everything, I don't know if I'm ready to let go."

"Well it hurts right? I think it's time you let go."

Yoongi could sense this was a difficult time for the other, he opened his arms. "Here, I'm not really a fan of hugs but I'll give you one. Good luck with everything kiddo, I'll be a text away if you need some advice."

Jeongguk smiled, giving into the hug. Grateful for this peaceful moment. It felt like temporary relief. Human interaction can be a blessing sometimes.

Yoongi stood up to head to their bathroom when Jeongguk suddenly stopped him. "Yoongi... did you give them the letter? And they read it?"

"They did, but they didn't care."

"Oh, okay."

With a heavy heart, Jeongguk grabbed paper from the desk drawer and found a pen. He stepped outside onto the balcony and sat down, looking up at the stars.

He placed the piece of paper and the pen in front of him.

He picked up the pen and began to write.

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