Twenty Seven

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The vacation ended sooner than everyone would have liked. Everyone packed up their things grudgingly, but there still remained awkward silence. Barely anyone spoke, except for Jimin. Things were getting worse by the minute, and it was scary to think about having to confront the situation. 

"Everyone ready to go back to our everyday lives?"

Jimin beamed, looking at everyone to see no smiles whatsoever. He was aware of what was going on, but he wanted to try to lighten the mood.

"I'll take that as a no," Jimin whispered, sitting next to Taehyung and offering some of his snacks. The blonde smiled in appreciation but shook his head to decline. Jimin frowned, noticing that things were definitely not okay. He embraced him in a side hug, trying his best to be supportive.

Yoongi glanced at them and then glanced at Jeongguk. He had his lips in a thin line shape, soon turning his head to stare at the planes outside the glass windows of the airport.

Things change, but maybe not always for the better.


Taehyung sat inside Chuu's apartment, guitar in hand. Taehyung kept his promise from Jackson's party, he had suggested that Chuu write a song to finally confess her feelings for Yves. He wanted to be a friend of his word, so he was helping her come up with a melody. But part of him knew he wasn't ready to spend much time in his apartment after they'd arrived back from vacation so he went over to her the second they arrived back. Jeongguk had to train some new employees at the restaurant, so they never really talked since the incident.

"Okay uhm, that didn't sound right let me try this chord instead," The blonde giggled, cringing at the sound. "That didn't sound that good either... let me try another one. My guitar skills are mediocre!"

Chuu laughed, "While you do that, I'm going to think about some lyrics. I just don't want to sound like a lovesick teenager girl so you're going to have to help me."

They both burst out into laughter. Taehyung rolled up his sleeves are checked his phone to look for a tutorial on tuning his guitar. He saw a notification saying that they needed go pay their monthly apartment bill soon. Since they missed the deadline to pay while they were at vacation they were a little behind. The blonde decided to shoot him a text.

Hey Jeongguk, we need to pay our monthly apartment bill for this month. Could you do it when you get home? I'm going to be late today

"Hey Tae, can we invite Jeongguk? I miss our trio, can you let him know he can come?" Chuu asked, nostalgic memories coming back to her.

"I would but he's training some new employees right now so, maybe next time," Taehyung mumbled under his breath, fiddling with the strings on the guitar.

"Aww what a shame. Well you told me you wanted to spend the day here, maybe he can stop by when he's done?"

Taehyung paused, shaking his head. "I think maybe another time would be better. He'll probably be tired when he's done."

Chuu nodded in understanding. "Alrighty."

"Oh yeah, Is he dating anyone? I feel like I've heard about your boy situations but I've never heard about his love life?"

"No he's not."

"Interesting, I may love women but he for sure is handsome, I'm really surprised no one has tried to get with our Jeonggukie yet, interesting. Well we are in our twenties, I'm sure he'll find someone soon."

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