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"Do you think there's people on planets other than earth?"

The two roommates were sitting by their big window glass, staring down at the illuminated city. Bright neon lights shone through the tall buildings, making them stare in awe. They each had cans of soda in their hands. It's something they'd do often.

"You know, sometimes I think when you open you're mouth, something logical is gonna come out. I'm always wrong though." Clicking his hand against the metal container, Jeongguk fixed his legs into a criss-cross position.

"I'm serious Ggukie! All we know is earth, what if more is out there? Like- there could be aliens for all we know! Or maybe there's a whole other group of humans living on Pluto!" Taehyung's eyes were brimming with excitement. Maybe he was a little too excited because his drink dipped a little too low and sprite spilled onto Jeongguk's thigh.

Jeongguk winced as the sticky liquid dripped down his clothed thigh. He shot the blonde a threatening glare, making the latter scurry off the ground and into the kitchen. He came back with a napkin, and quickly started drying his leg, trying not to piss Jeongguk off more.

"Remind me why we're friends again," Jeongguk snatched the napkin out of Taehyung's hand and dried the wet spot properly. The latter pouted and went back to his original spot on the wood.

"Becauseee- you love me!" Taehyung cheekily nudged him, resulting in Jeongguk rolling his eyes.

"That was luckily convincing enough," Jeongguk let out a sigh, throwing away the napkin and joining his friend on the hardwood floor.

They sat in silence, staring out at the city blanketed by brilliant neon lights. Taehyung leaned his head onto Jeongguk's shoulder, in which the latter smiled. He brought his hand up, brushing his fingers through his best friends blonde hair. It almost felt like they were a couple, Jeongguk smiled at the thought.

The smiled diminished when he remembered that they weren't, they were just friends.

He looked back down at the boy on his shoulder, he was nearly asleep. Jeongguk had to remind himself that they were just childhood friends, and that's all that they'll every be.

Because real love is a feeling shared mutually, not one-sided.

"Hey Gguk?"

Jeongguk hummed in response, turning his attention towards the pretty blonde boy leaning on his shoulder. The blonde was gleaming at the scenery as the lights reflected into his shining eyes, creating a little replica of  the city.

"You know I love you, right?"

Jeongguk felt the steady beat in his heart speed up, gulping heavily. "Yeah of course, w-why wouldn't I know? Why so suddenly?"

"I feel like I don't tell you or show you how much I love you as much as show me. I mean- you cook for us, you do most of the cleaning in the apartment, you're always checking up on me and you're always thinking about me first. I feel like I don't do enough to show you my appreciation, y'know?" Taehyung lifted his head off the other's shoulder and turned his head towards him.

Jeongguk didn't respond for a minute, his mind going blank. He opened his mouth, no words coming out.

"I know you say that you want to, and that you love taking care of me but I still feel like I should do more you know? Everytime I go out, you always make sure i'm safe. You bring me breakfast in bed during the weekends. Whenever I get my heart broken you're always the first one to comfort me and remind me of how amazing I am. When anyone messes with me you're always ready to fight."

Jeongguk let out a chuckle at the last part. His heart danced in his chest, grateful that Taehyung noticed how much he cared for him. It almost felt like a confession, but Jeongguk knew how ridiculous that would be. Taehyung liked Bogum, anyway.

"All you have to do to show me you love me is just stay here, by my side. It's all I want."

Taehyng tilted his head in confusion, wondering what that meant.

"I just mean, it's been years since we first met and you're still here. You know how people come and go in my life, but you've always been here. You know how hard it is for me to trust people because i'm scared the next day they would leave me. You're not like any of them, you've never been."

Taehyung listened, reverting his eyes back to the glass. His eyes started to fill, his lip started quivering. He dropped his head low when Jeongguk looked at him curiously.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not making you sad am I? Don't go all sappy on me, you know I hate seeing you cry."

Taehyung let out a wavered sigh, "It's just- I'm so happy I make you f-feel this way. I'm so happy I make you happy."

If only you knew everything you made me feel.

Jeongguk smiled, engulfing the small boy into his embrace. "You do make me happy, you always have."

Taehyung giggled, wiping the tears that were on the verge of spilling out of his eyes.

They soon sat back in their own spaces, beaming back out at the night sky. It was silent, a more than comfortable silence. The two boys were just lost in ecstasy, the beauty of the night consuming their minds once again.

"Hey Gguk," Taehyung said once again, grabbing the attention of the black haired boy.


"Remember the date I had with Bogum last night?"

Jeongguk tightened the grip on his own thigh, preparing to feel for the aching to filter itself back into his heart.

"It didn't go well."


"What happened? He didn't hurt you did he?" Jeongguk's concern now focused on the blonde boy in front of him.

"No- he didn't. I just realized he's more concerned about his wealth than me."

That jerk.

"I always had a bad feeling about that asshole."

Taehyung's giggles filled the air, "Well he seemed like he was just in it for the sex, and you know I'm waiting to share that with the right one."

"I knew he was a jerk but- I didn't want to upset you so I kept it to myself," Jeongguk smirked, happy that finally the spoiled rich brat didn't get what he wanted.

"He is a jerk, I'll give you that one."

Jeongguk was now the one to dissolve the conversation as they sat in silence one again. Both of the boys focused on the thoughts flooding through their head. One was thinking about the boy next to him, and the other was thinking about what he was going to wear the next day.


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