Twenty Three

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"So this is the ugly pink hot tub Jimin was talking about?"

"I don't think he called it ugly, but yeah...I guess it is."

Hot pink doesn't sound appealing at all. Nothing about that color speaks of elegance and romance. Not for the two best friends, that is.

"I can't believe we decided to come to this ugly hot tub. I would rather not imagine what Jimin and Yoongi would've done in here-"

"Okay Gguk stop right there please."

Jeongguk chuckled under his breath, peaking at Taehyung's disgusted expression as he pictured god-knows-what. Without hesitation, Taehyung went to sit in one of the pool chairs. There wasn't anyone by the swimming area since it was practically 11 p.m, and it would be closing at 12 a.m. Jeongguk went to the stand full of towels and grabbed two. He took his shirt off and walked into the hot tub, sinking his head under and then bringing it back up, flipping his hair out of his face. Taehyung started to laugh.

"What?" The dark haired looked at him in confusion.

"I just thought about it, you're practically swimming in Jimin and Yoongi's bodily fluids right now," He giggled, eyes forming crescent.

Jeongguk tilted his head sideways and hung his tongue out of his mouth, pretending that he died.

Taehyung started cackling.

They exchanged eye contact, and soon bursted out into laughter.

"Okay now I don't really want to go in this thing," Taehyung stood up and stared down at Jeongguk who was in the hot tub.

"The water cleans itself Tae, you'll live. Dramatic."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to the pool chairs to find his polaroid camera. He walked to the edge of the hot tub and began to snap photos of Jeongguk, whom was swimming around and messing with the water while posing for the camera. He smiles at his antics.

"Oh! By the way, Mingi actually really loves taking photos too. I thought you guys could have a second go at getting to know each other. Maybe you can show her some of your polaroids, I love your polaroids. Especially the ones you take of the back of my head, the back of my head is too damn attractive," Jeongguk smiled.

Taehyung sat down, dipping his feet in the hot tub. "Yeah?"

He hummed in return, "Yeah, she's really kind, reminds me a lot of you."

The blonde let out a small smile, snapping a picture of Jeongguk's tossled wet hair. "Here, look at the ones I took."

Jeongguk swam to him, reaching his arm out to grab the film, but he accidentally yanked the string, causing the polaroid to fall into the hot water. In shock, Jeongguk quickly pulled it out trying to let the water drip out.

"No, no, no, no, I didn't mean to-" Jeongguk frantically shook the camera.

Taehyung watched him in shock, his only polaroid camera was soaked with water.

"Please, no-" Jeongguk drained the water out, trying to see if it was still working. He snapped a photo but nothing seemed to function. "I'm so sorry Tae I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. It's alright."

"No it's not! This is the same polaroid you'd be using since we were kids. Your family gave it to you when you were so young it's your favorite thing and I messed it up."

"Jeongguk relax. It's okay."

"I fucked it up i'm so sorry. I'm sorry Tae."

"Jeongguk, stop."

Taehyung pulled the camera out of his hands. "I still have the pictures, I'll buy another polaroid camera. It's about time I do to be honest."


Here they were, sitting together on the pool chairs. Jeongguk was crying, trying to get the polaroid to work. Taehyung stared at him, it was the first time he'd seen him cry like this over a mistake. Jeongguk grabbed the towel, trying to dry the lens again.

"Gguk, it's okay."

Jeongguk sighed, sniffling. He fidged with the camera, hoping any hint of movement would fix it.

"Let's be honest, it was really old, this was just a sign I need a new one," The blonde smiled, rubbing his back. It was 10:45 p.m. and the pool would be closing soon.

"Yeah, but it was a symbol of our childhood and now it's broken. You loved it so much, and I loved when you'd use it. I dont want to be the reason you lose a memory," Jeongguk spoke in despair, ashamed. His best friend's childhood camera.

"What memory did you lose? I have all the photos, and you're in most of them. You're still here aren't you?"

"You're just trying to make me feel better about the guilt, it's okay you can be mad at me Tae," Jeongguk stared at the floor.

"Gguk I'm not mad, really. I really needed a new one."

Jeongguk turned to look at him. His dark brown hair was messy and wet, sprawled all over his head. Taehyung stared at him, looking at his features. Puffy eyes, gorgeous face, pink lips. His eyes hollowed but perfect nonetheless. Being a photographer meant paying close attention to detail, or at least when it came to the dark haired, thats what it meant.

Taehyung laughed, "Well you're buying my next one, so don't worry about it!"

Jeongguk chuckled, "Of course, I would have anyways. As many as you want."

They smiled, sitting in comfortable silence. The comfortable silence they love. The area was quiet, nobody was around, only the sounds of the pool cleansing itself echoed in the room. Jeongguk sat in his thoughts, still fidgeting with the camera. For some reason, the blonde couldn't divert his gaze from him. At the moment, he really wished he had a camera to take a picture.

Jeongguk opened the lens, trying to see if he could take out other parts of it. His finger pulled it too tightly, and the lens snapped in half. He froze.

"What the fuck? I swear I was just trying to fix it more. It must've weakened from the water, I don't remember it doing that in the past. I'm so sorry I just keep messing up-"

All in the blink of an eye, Taehyung slipped his fingers under Jeongguk's chin and kissed him.

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