Twenty Five

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All in the blink of an eye, Taehyung slipped his fingers under Jeongguk's chin and kissed him.

Jeongguk tensed in shock but felt his body relax into the kiss. He kissed back, feeling his soft lips on his own. Everything felt like a dream, Jeongguk figured it was, so he grabbed his cheek and pulled him in closer, kissing him with passion and desire. Everything felt right, and everything felt unreal. Their eyes were sealed, and all thoughts melted away into the night.

They began to pull away, hooded eyes meeting the other. Taehyung's eyes suddenly sprung wide open. Jeongguk gulped, taken aback. He could practically sense the regret on the other's face.

"I don't- I don't know why I-"

"It's okay, It's- It's fine-"

Taehyung returned to his senses, realizing what had just happened. Fear consumed him and he grabbed his things mumbling a 'good night' and scrambled out of the room, leaving Jeongguk in the pool room, alone.

Jeongguk sighed, gripping onto his hair in frustration. All of the regret rushed into his body, wishing he could turn back time. He could practically feel the regret from the blonde, and he was embarrassed. He gave in, his feelings took over him. They were never gone to begin with.

What the hell just happened?

Jeongguk sighed, feeling tears begin to well up in his eyes but he soon blinked them away. He stood up in defeat, deciding to call it a night.


There's always those moments in life where everything flashes before your eyes.

In this moment, Taehyung didn't remember how he ended up in the Golden Garden flower maze.

All he'd known was that he had just done something that could never be reversed. He couldn't grab the clock and rewind it; there was nothing he could do now.

He kissed his best friend.

Something that in his several years of living he'd never expected he'd do, but it was done, it happened and it could never be undone.

Maybe it was the heat of the moment? Maybe it was just for fun, maybe even an impulsive thought?

Taehyung looked up at the stars, tears streaming down his face. Thinking back to the moment, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Taehyung grabbed his hair strands, pulling them in frustration. He groaned, distress beginning to consume him. Suddenly the streams of tears became cries, he begins crying, quiet sounds coming from his mouth.

Taehyung was not crying out of sadness, but he was confused. He didn't understand what he was feeling, and that brought him utter distress. He didn't know what to think about anything, what to feel, or what to make of what he'd just done. All he could do was cry and try not to remember what had just occurred.

He'd just kissed Jeongguk. The Jeongguk whom he'd tell everything to. The Jeongguk whom he'd rant about all of his failed relationships to. The Jeongguk whom had been his best friend since childhood. The Jeongguk whom had been his partner in crime for as long as he could remember.

Their friendship could never be the same now.

Why did I kiss him?

Taehyung could practically hear his heart wincing. Jeongguk has always fought for him. Jeongguk was always there for him, he never gave up on him. Recently everything had begun to feel weird, and he didn't know what to make of it. He loved him with his everything, that's something he was sure about.

Jeongguk was his everything.

And now, maybe their friendship would amount to nothing.

Taehyung sighed, thinking about the courses of events that occurred recently. Seeing Jeongguk take interest in Minju, whom apparently reminded Jeongguk of him. Did Jeongguk think that there were other people just like him? Was he no longer significant? Could Jeongguk find their connection with someone else? But why did he care? When Lisa and Jeongguk started going out all of the time, why was he so irritated? Why did his body feel so much panic when Jeongguk leaned in to remove something from his face? Maybe he was just selfish.

Taehyung let out a deep breath, resting his arm on his knee. He pulled out his phone, looking at the time, 12:00 a.m., right over his wallpaper of Jeongguk wearing the hotel pillowcase as a ghost costume. He slid his phone open and clicked on his gallery, looking at all of the photos inside.

Jeongguk smiling in front of an illuminated silver Christmas tree at the park during the holidays.

Jeongguk chasing after Jimin with rose thorns.

Jeongguk asleep on their coach, still in his work uniform.

Jeongguk leaning on his shoulder, asleep.

Jeongguk hugging him from behind, with bedhead hair.

Jeongguk sitting across from him at a restaurant, eyes bright and cheeks full after taking a bite of his food.

Jeongguk standing at Taehyung's bedroom door with a cake at 12:00 a.m. on his birthday.

Taehyung laughing, whispering under his breath, "I love him."

After saying that phrase, he paused, smile fading, and he looked up at the sky in thought.

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