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"And then he told me about how happy he was to have met someone like me! Isn't that just adorable?"

It'd been a few days since they got to Alstromeria and they'd been having such a good time. They all agreed that this had to be the best resort they'd ever been to. All of the tours and sights they had already seen, so now they just decided to enjoy the rest of their time relaxing at the pool and enjoying the good.

Today the four of them decided to spend their time at one of the many pools. Jeongguk was the only one who wanted to go in though, so Jimin and Taehyung just sat in the pool chairs that were under the umbrella. Yoongi had gone to buy extra sunscreen, complaining that tans made his skin too dry. Jimin was pretty much in Taehyung's ear, going on about something that happened the day before.

"He even gave me a flower! Isn't that so- Taehyung? Hello? Are you even listening?"

He really wasn't.

His attention was fixed on his best friend. The same tour guide from a few days ago had seen him swimming and asked to join him. She was wearing a pretty pastel blue two piece bathing suit. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had a yellow daisy pinned near the hair-tie. She was offering drinks to all of the guests and she bumped into Jeongguk on accident. Of course the shy boy apologized, but she was more than excited that she got to see him again. Once her shift ended she invited herself to the side of the pool he was at and sat on the ledge of it. They talked, and Taehyung had no idea what they were talking about.

It must've been absolutely hysterical because the two ended up splashing water at each other, giggling about the anonymous.

"Do you think she likes him?"

Taehyung flinched at the sudden sound and saw that Jimin was looking in the same direction he was. His eyebrows furrowed, "Why would you think that?"

"I mean look at her," The older tilted his head at the two of them. Minju was a little bit close to Jeongguk this time. "I mean like- she's sneakily getting closer to him. I also think I see her blushing. She also looks really pretty, maybe he's her type too."

The blonde boy frowned, turning his gaze back to the two. Jimin was right, she was blushing. The more Taehyung looked, the more his sensitivity was crept up his back. He looked at the girls body and saw no extra fat, only curves and a thin waistline. But he didn't want his insecurities to ruin his day, so he picked up one of the drinks in front of him and chugged it down to distract himself.

"I kind of think they look good together."

Taehyung coughed.

"Taehyung!" Jimin's eyes widened a the boy who coughed profoundly. The boy coughed furiously and slapped his chest. Jimin panicked and grabbed some napkins to give to the blonde.

"T-Thanks," Taehyung coughed out. He dabbed the napkins on the side of his mouth. "A bee flew passed my ear so I was just really surprised. Sorry for overreacting."

"It's no problem! I just almost thought it was something I said," Jimin giggled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Nope..." Taehyung shifted his gaze back to the pool buddies. Jeongguk was sitting on a pool float. Minju was laughing, trying to turn him upside down and into the water as he tried swimming away. They looked like they were really having fun, like a couple. Taehyung felt uncomfortable feeling pool in his stomach.

"Jimin, I think I'm gonna go back to our room."

"Oh sure! Want me to come with?" Jimin smiled up at him.

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