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Taehyung stared lost at the fairy lights that hung on his ceiling.

He was watching their neighbors dog, his name was Yeontan. He often took care of him when his neighbors were busy. Taehyung wasn't sure whether it was because they were always busy, or they just didn't care about their dog. Seemed like both if he was being honest.

Nonetheless, he was sprawled out on his lilac colored blanket with his fingers combing through the pomeranians fluffy hair. Yeontan was in the shape of a ball, his tail wagging in satisfaction. He heard muffled sounds coming from the room next to him.

Laughter, again.

Lisa and Jeongguk have been spending a lot of time an awful amount of time together, and it's only been a week.

He huffed in frustration, he barely got to hang out with his best friend. He'd come home and they'd be hanging out together. He didn't know why he was bothered by it, of course Jeongguk could have other friends that weren't him, even he did too. But that wasn't really what bothered him.

They seemed close, a bit too lose for Taehyung's liking.

Not that he cared or anything, but anyone could easily mistake them for a couple.

Yeontan yelped, trying to get the boy's attention since he had spaced out again. Taehyung snapped out of his trace, giggling at the needy dog.

"Aw~ Tannie you want some attention don't you cutie," He began lightly tickling Yeontan's little tummy and the dog began squirming around in excitement. They played around until suddenly Taehyung felt his phone ding, it was a text from Jimin.

TAEHYUNGIEEEE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Are you here to complain about Yoongi again? >:|

He's actually been a good boyfriend today!
He cuddled me all morning (◠﹏◠✿)

like i said, your relationship never fails to confuse me

You told me you'd tell who the letter was from! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ

Oh! I forgot to open that


It was true, Taehyung had completely forgotten about the letter. He was so caught up in getting home that he'd shoved the letter loosley into his bag, planning to deal with it later.

He jumped off the bed, making Yeontan wimper and follow in curiously. His room was a bit messy, but not too messy. He managed to spot his also lilac, colored bag. He unzipped his bag and searched around, he found the envelope.

Taehyung sat down on his floor in a criss-cross positon and Yeontan jumped into his lap. Not wasting anymore time, he ripped open the envelope and pulled out the white letter.

Dear Taehyung,

I'm not sure when you'll read this but hopefully it'd be before Tuesday,

You probably got your flowers.

You said orchids were your favorite, right?

I ordered them from your flower shop and then mailed it back for you because I have a favor to ask :)

I made reservations to this restaurant, it's one of the top three best in Seoul.

Would you want to go with me, well, i'd be pretty damn disappointed if I wasted my precious money for nothing. Don't make me regret it, cute one.

Haha, just kidding!

From, Minjae

Taehyung stared at the paper, gulping. He'd already prepared to tell Minjae he wasn't interested but it seemed he missed that chance already.

'I just didn't get the feeling that he's the one I want."

The boy replayed his own words in his head. He started to feel guilty for not being able to return the same feelings. He stared at the letter as he nibbled on his bottom lip, contemplating his decision.

Well everyone deserve's a chance right?

Maybe I should give it a chance.

Taehyung exhaled a breath. He felt his brain contract from ovetthinking, he groaned at the headache. Deciding to take his mind off of things, he picked up Yeontan and opened the door to his room to make his way to the kitchen because, well- food.

He grabbed a poptart and sat on a stool. He danced as he ate and hummed the song that rang through his headphones. He heard the sound of a door opening. He looked up to see what dared to interrupt his mini jam session.

Jeongguk and Lisa were walking out the room, laughing tremendously at whatever happened to be oh so funny. They walked into the kitchen and saw Taehyung sitting there.

"Hey Tae! Lisa and I are going to go grab something to eat, do you want anything?"

Taehyung looked at the two, his eyes flickered back and forth. He wasn't sure why this made him feel weird, "No thanks Ggukie, i'm eating a poptart."

"Just a poptart? Angel, I told you- you need to eat more, you aren't eating enough these days."

"I know~ S'fine i'm just not that hungry today. Anyways, you two enjoy your date," Taehyung smiled lightly and turning to change the song that finished. Yeontan was jumping at his feet, wanting to eat part of the sugary treat too.

"Date? But it's n-"

Taehyung had already turned up the volume on his headphones, not bothering to continue the conversation. Jeongguk and Lisa exchanged glances and shrugged at the boy's behavior and soon left the apartment, leaving the blonde with just his music and thoughts.

'Maybe I should give it a chance.'

Well, what could go wrong?


hope everyone's feeling lovely today! <3

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