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"And then he told me I was too fat! Like who says that?"

It was a Monday at Roses are Red, a small petite flower shop far into the city. Customers came in often as they had a wide variety of different flowers and people often ordered flowers along with a letter to go with it. They even mailed out flowers and letters to their requested destination. Days at Roses are Red consisted of Taehyung standing at the register, taking letter and flower requests. It also consisted of Jimin, his co-worker and lovely friend, complaining about his boyfriend 24/7.

"I'm starting to think you guys need couples therapy. I haven't gone one peaceful day without you complaining about Yoongi," Taehyung rolled his eyes as he separated the cash one by one into different piles.

Jimin flopped childishly around in his chair as he whined, "I keep telling him we should go but he says it's stupid, he's the stupid one!"

"I'll never understand your relationship, its so confusing Jiminie," Taehyung clicked open the cashier, inserting the money in it.

"Help me Taehyungie! Give me advice please!" Jimin begged with puppy eyes, he had already forgotten about the plants that should've been watering long ago.

"Hmm let's see, you complain about him everyday instead of working, I'm honestly surprised you haven't been fired by now. But the confusing part is somedays you come in here gushing about how he's the best boyfriend in the world, there's no in between. If I had to give you my best advice i'd say break up with him-"


"You know what? I give up then."

"Your advice is awful Taehyung, you're no help. Ugh, what am I going to do~" Jimin whined louder, making Taehyung groan.

"Quit being dramatic and help me sort these tulips, they just came in this morning," Taehyung out pulled a big bag full of fresh flowers from the cabinet under him. They were a pretty lavender color, the boy's person favorite. They were a symbol of perfect and deep love, something so simple yet so meaningful at the same time. It had always been a dream of his to be gifted one someday.

The boys walked over to the back of the shop to sort the tulips in their glass storage room. Jimin examined the flowers, searching for any dead or broken ones. Taehyung pulled out their watering cans to make sure they were well hydrated. They worked in silence, but of course a day at work wouldn't be the usual without Jimin's childish ranting again.

Suddenly they heard the shop bell ring.

"Minnie can please you attend that customer? I'll finish the rest up and then Mrs. Shin told us we could close early today!" Taehyung asked, giving the platinum haired boy a warm smile.

"Yay! I get to go home to Yoongi!" Jimin squealed, disappearing into the front of the shop.

"But I thought he was just complaining about Yoo- You know what? I'm not even going to question it anymore," Taehyung mumbled under his breath, shaking his head in confusion.

Jimin soon came back with a letter and a bouquet of flowers in each hand.

"Well would you look at that? Looks like the pretty florist has an admirer"

Taehyung set the watering can down. His brows furrowed as he walked over, curious to see what the boy had in his hands. "What's this, where's it from?"

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