Twenty Eight

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Sugar & Spice was closed for the day. They had a workshop for employee training, in which Jeongguk was the director. Due to Seokjin's insanity, he was assigned the only trainer and had to teach every individual a new recipe. He was exhausted and drained; it was the last thing he wanted to do now that it was so late. First, he taught the recipe, walked them through it, and then they had to redo the recipe on their own without any guidance. He had to make sure everybody had succeeded with the recipe before he went home, and he was on his last employee. The last employee was actually the youngest out of all the staff in training, and least experienced. He had gotten several warnings for mediocre skills.

"No! You don't put the-" Jungkook sighed, and watched the boy begin to pour oil into the pan that was still full of water. "Never mind."

The employee, Kyung-soo, looked up at him guiltily, "Sorry..."

Jeongguk shook his head, sighing, "It's fine, you can restart one more time."

Kyung-soo began again, nervous as Jeongguk watched him intensively. It wouldn't be long before he would make another mistake and then they would have to restart all over again. It was going to be a long night.

The sizzling of the pan was all that could be heard until they heard a knock on the kitchen door. They kept it locked to keep the area private for the workers. Jeongguk lifted an eyebrow, knowing it was Seokjin. Usually, he has the key, but he had probably forgotten it.

"I'm coming! Kyung-soo make sure to add the spices once the chicken turns to a beige color," Jeongguk adjusted his apron and went to unlock the door. Taehyung stood there.


"Hey Gguk," Taehyung smiled.

"Hey, how did you even get in? The building is closed."

"Seokjin let me in, I mean he loves me after all," Taehyung walked in, waving to the trainee that anxiously stood by the stove, trying to make sure the chicken didn't burn.

Jeongguk nodded, knowing that things would soon become awkward. It was pretty much the first time they'd talked since the incident. He hated to admit how much he missed him. He was still contemplating on whether or not he was going to give him the letter, and the fact that he'd been looking for new apartments during his lunch break.

"I was heading back from Chuu's place so I decided to stop by, she dropped me off here," Jeongguk was shocked at Taehyung's relaxed demeanor. The blonde waved at the boy who was turning the stove off. "Hi! What's your name?"

"I'm Kyung-soo! What's your name? Your hair is so pretty by the way!" Kyung-soo beamed.

"Awwww, thank you! My name is Taehyung but you can call me Tae anytime you want. I'm Jeongguk's best friend."

Taehyung leaned against the counter, watching the two as they continued their cooking session. "Continue! Just pretend I'm not here."

Jeongguk stayed silent, turning his attention to Kyung-soo. He instructed him on what to do to finish the recipe. Kyung-soo followed, scared that he would soon make a mistake. Jeongguk smiled, appreciating his determination. Kyung-soo took the chicken off the stove and plated it, garnishing it with finishing touches.

"It looks good! Ready to do it yourself?"

Kyung-soo gulped, but he nodded soon after.

Jeongguk left the room to let Seokjin know that he was soon finished with all the training staff. Kyung-soo shuffled to get everything together and placed a new pan on the stove. He picked up the vegetables, but accidentally dropped a pepper on the floor. He sighed, trying to pick it up but he had onions in his other hand and they soon fell as well. He panicked, picking the items up and whispering under his breath, trying to remember the recipe. He grabbed a fresh piece of raw chicken and seasoned it. He poured the salt, but forgot to chose the sprinkle side and a ton of it poured out. The boy gasped, trying to scoop the excess salt out and then threw it out.

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