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"Taehyng, hurry up you're going to make us late!"

"Don't be a meanie Gguk, I'm almost done!"

It took a little bit of thinking before they decided they wanted to go to Jaehyun's reunion party, but it's been too long since Jeongguk had seen their old friends and he wanted to catch up with them.

"Alright I'm ready, let's go.."

Sounds of footsteps grew louder as the door to the blondes room door opened. He stood in the doorway. Jeongguk looked up from his phone. His draw dropped.


He looked, wow.

"How do I look?" With a shy smile, Taehyung shifted the pressure on his right hip to his left.

It's probably the first time Jeongguk had seen him in such attire. The boy had on loose blue ripped jeans, and to Jeongguk's observation, what was hiding underneath appeared to be a pair of fishnet stockings. He had on a black tee shirt and some combat boots. Hair ruffled and tossed, and he wore some smoky eyeshadow on his eyelids.

"It's bad isn't it? It's not really my style, I should go ch-"

"I like it."

Taehyung stayed silent for a minute, his eyebrow raise. "Really? I was scared it would look too dark you know. You're so used to colorful me, so."

"Well, I mean you're Kim Taehyung, everything looks good on you." Jeongguk attempted to confidentially say, trying to distract the other from seeing the slight hint of red on his cheeks.

The blonde's eyes gleamed with joy as he ran to throw his arms around the other. "I don't deserve a best friend like you."

"You're right, you don't."



"First things first let's set some rules!"

"Gguk, you're not my dad!"

"Nope, but I am your best friend so I know what's best for you!" Jeongguk gripped the steering wheel. They were parked outside the party. Mansion, actually. It was beyond his mind of how Jaehyun got to be so rich, he was lazy and barely had the desire to go to school when they were younger. Some people are just lucky like that, huh?

"So!" Jeongguk clapped his hands together, taking in a big breath. "Rule number one, stay close to me at all times okay? Don't go anywhere by yourself."

Taehyung pouted and crossed his arms, "Why does it have to be YOU protecting ME? Why not the other way around?"

The dark haired boy turned his gaze to the window, contemplating. "Well it's always been like that... me protecting you. Like when we were little kids, you'd always come crying to me. I always thought it was because you're way too kind and open up to people too easily, you always let people take advantage of that. I don't want to see you hurt, but it feels like there's so many times where that happens. I don't want it to happen again."


"Plus! You're smaller and cuter so, It's only right that I protect you. Why can't you just let me?" Jeongguk asked, trying to lighten the mood.

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