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"Your little friend looked a bit jealous today, don't you think?"

Lisa mumbled through slurps of ramen, actually- she was slurping so fast that the ravenette thought she might even choke.

They were in a small ramen shop. There weren't many people, just a few workers and customers. The food was good anyway.

"Wh-What? No he just seemed tired, I think he stayed up last night binging Netflix," Jeongguk stuttered, scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know man, the 'Enjoy our date' seemed a bit petty to me."

"It was just a simple question, don't get my hopes up by reading too into it again."

"I'm serious! I swear he sent me a death glare. He's a pretty cute and innocent boy, i didn't except to feel like i was about to pee myself."

Jeongguk burst out into laughter at that, rolling his eyes at the silly proposition.

"So how are things over on your side?"


"You and Jennie."

Lisa suddenly burst out into laughter making Jeongguk furrow his eyebrows. Well- it seemed like a laugh full of pain if you ask him. "Funny you asked. She's going out with that Minho guy from the park and my heart feels as black as my eyeshadow, nothing new."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop feelin' sorry for me kid, life goes on." Lisa flashed him a smile, making Jeongguk frown.

"I know you try to act tough all the time but you know you don't have to be like that with me? Don't shelter your feelings, just like you listen to me i'll listen to you. Don't hold back."

Lisa let out a long contained sigh, "Thanks I guess. I-I don't know how to feel if I'm being genuine. I starting liking her awhile back and it's just been hard you know? She was a big part of my life, but in a way that she'll never know. Man I really liked her- Hearing the news, that s-sort of crushed me, I don't know what to do anymore. Now I know my chances are completely gone, or they were never meant to be taken to begin with."

Jeongguk only reached over to pat her hand on the slightly shaking girl, she was crying now. It was his first time seeing her show real emotion, normally she'd shadow it with her sarcastic attitude.

"I'll get over her-  hopefully. Or maybe i'll just die single," she sniffed, slightly choking on the noodles she was still slurping up. Jeongguk reach over to grab a napkin and handed it to her. "Thanks bunny boy."

"Don't say that Lisa, you won't die alone. I know it'll take awhile to get over her but the right one will come along, right to you next time. Not to someone else."

"You're right-"

"I'm really sorry to intrude, but I saw you crying. Is everything okay?" Said by a feminine voice, sweet as honey.

They looked up to hear who the voice was from.

It was a waitress that worked there. A sweet smile was planted on her lips and she was holding a menu close to her chest. She had a natural make-up look, lips pink and eyes lined. Her hair was a cotton candy type of pink, which was tied into a loose bun. Her eyes were not any far from a puppy's.

"I'll be fine," Lisa glanced up at the girl, doing a double take when she saw her appearance and lightly coughed "Thanks though."

"Okay! At least your boyfriend is here to cry with you! It's never good to cry alone, " The girl smiled at Jeongguk, who was still patting Lisa's back. The two friends exchanged eye contact, trying to hold in their laughter.

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