Twenty Nine - Letter Goodbye

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Dear Taehyung,

This is really hard for me to do, but I think it's time for me to do this. You know how I am, it's really hard for me to do anything that I fear will hurt you, or confuse you. But it's time I be honest, I've been in love with you for a long time. Since that moment in the park in the winter, you've always had the biggest spot in my heart.

I started to develop feelings for you around then, and the feelings just wouldn't halt, they wouldn't dissipate like I'd hoped they would. Every smile, every hug, and every loving conversation we've had since then has meant more to me than it should have. My heart beat when your eyes would illuminate and smile when you found things you'd like and when you were happy. Those late night conversations we'd have were the things I looked most forward to when coming home. While turning to talk to you, I was always captivated by your beauty. You're so beautiful, I hope you know that.

But you're more than just beautiful. I feel like that's what all of the guys who have gotten the chance to spend any second with you forget. You're beautiful, and you have a golden heart, Taehyung.

I was captivated by every conversation we'd have, every late night we'd have, every time we spend together. I found myself always wanting to protect you, not only because you're my best friend, but because your pain is also my own. I never want to see you hurt, and I never want to hurt you.

But my heart has hurt for so long. I've seen every man you've been with, brought home, and I feel my heart burn. It's not your fault, you can always be with whoever you want. But seeing the regret on your face after you kissed me is enough for me to realize I'm just never going to be the one for you, and that's okay. Therefore, it's time I admit to you that I'm in love with you and I realized these feelings are failing to go away, so it must be time for me to let go and move on.

I think we should stop being friends.

Not because I would want to be best friends with anyone else.

But I realized that there was no one in the world like you, Taehyung. And I realized that hurts me to think about. These feelings I've tried to beat, but I just can't do it. I dont want to intervene in your future relationships.

I don't know if I'll give this note to you, or if I'll keep it, but if you see this I wanted to say...

Thank you for everything, you've added so much color to my life and I''m so grateful for you Taehyung.

From yours truly,

Jeon Jeongguk.

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