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omg we're at 600+ reads now! tysm im so greatful honestly, you're all sexc af ngl


It's been about a week since Jeongguk had become distant.

Taehyung and Jeongguk had become best friends years ago, and they had been inseparable ever since. Since then, there wasn't a long period in time where they could say they hadn't been around each other. They had always preferred it that way anyway.

But it had also been years since Jeongguk developed feelings at the festival that day. He had to sit by the sidelines and watch the boy he'd do anything for smile at people the way Jeongguk had been doing all these years. He'd done a good job of numbing the pain and keeping his feelings locked away, but after he had left the dinner table he had cried. It was because he was hit with reality and he had decided he wanted to be honest with himself. The feeling was always going to be one sided, he couldn't change that. Taehyung had never returned the feelings after so many years, how could he now? So Jeongguk felt he had to move on, that was the only way.

But how could he?

How could he move on from the boy he spent most of his life with. How could he move on from the boy who he woke up every morning to? How could he move on from his childhood best friend?

Maybe he had to stop reminding himself everyday of what he wasn't going to ever have. Maybe he had to stop treating the blonde with the type of love he had for him.

Maybe that meant no more cuddles, because everytime the boy fell asleep, Jeongguk couldn't stop staring at the beauty the lay in front of him.

Maybe that meant no more hugs, because Jeongguk knew that Taehyung probably hugged others tighter anyway.

Maybe that meant no more gazing at the stars together, because the glisten of every star had reminded Jeongguk of those beautiful almond eyes.

Maybe that meant no more 'angel' because Jeongguk didn't need to remind himself that the angelic boy would never be his.

Maybe that meant no more 'I love you' because Taehyung would never understand how Jeongguk meant it.

It would be difficult, but at least the pain would go away, right?

So as days went by, Jeongguk started hanging out with the boy less and less.

"Hey Gguk... movie night?" Taehyung smiled brightly as he held up the television remote.  It was a friday and they were both off for work. It was one of their favorite things to to, cuddle up and watch something.

"Sorry Taehyung not today, I have some things I have to do," Jeongguk said, even though he had no plans, he didn't know what other excuses to make.

"Oh, that's okay!" Taehyung hid his disappointment with a smile. He had no problem watching them on his own, anyway.

"Hey Gguk... wanna go on a walk with me? We haven't done it in a long time."

"Sorry I don't feel that good today. Just go do something else."

"Oh that's okay, just get some rest okay?"

"Hey Gguk... wanna take some pictures? There's this place that reminded me of yo-"

"Sorry not tonight Tae, maybe some other day. Or maybe just do something else if you're bored."

"Oh okay, yeah."

"Hey Gguk... the stars look extra beautiful tonight. I guess it's been a little but since we've done our special thing and I was wondering-"

"No thanks, sorry Tae."

"Oh, okay."

"Hey Gguk? Wait... never mind i'm sorry you probably have plans."

"I actually don't but I was going to make plans with Lisa tonight, sorry."


Taehyung just wanted to to spent time with his favorite person.

He did everything he could to just get a slip of attention from the boy but it never worked, there was always something else that the dark haired boy want to do. But as the boy kept making excuses and dismissals, Taehyung felt that it was clear that maybe he just didn't want to be around him anymore.

I mean Lisa seemed like a fun person, maybe her personality is more entertaining than mine.

And she's pretty cool, most people like that.

I'm sure they'd be good roommates, maybe better than we are.

The blonde couldn't help these thoughts from going through his head, but he was starting to miss old times. The old Jeongguk, even if that were Jeongguk from a week or two ago.


"So do you think it's working?"

"I can't tell, all I know is that I feel like a horrible person," Jeongguk rubbed the palm of his hand on his forehead in frustration. Throughout the painful experience of ignore the love of his life and his best friend, Jeongguk felt really guilty but he didn't want to give in. So he was with the sarcastic silver haired girl to rant about his feeling.

"Well, technically you are."


"Whaaat I'm just sayin'. It's not like he knows why you're doing all this, he probably thinks it has something to do with him as a person."

"I'm sure he doesn't feel like that, he has more friends than I do. I just need to keep this up until I stop feeling this way about him, I just can't take it anymore Lisa."

"I know kiddo, I know. Just don't hurt your friend too, okay? He seems like a nice kid, too bubbly and all for me but he's all yours anyway. When do you plan to stop?"

"Once my feelings disappear, everything will be back to normal."

That didn't happen, though.

In fact, this was the first time that Jeongguk couldn't get the blonde out of his head no matter how hard he tried.

He wasn't the only one, though.

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