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Taehyung fidgeted with his lavender polaroid camera, lost in thought.

It were a lot Saturday and he was once again petsitting Yeontan. The dog wasn't much hassle today as he was just nibbling on something, Taehyung didn't feel like taking it from it though. That was until he heard the sound of paper being teared. His body quickly shuffled off the bed and onto the floor to inspect what the dog had ripped. His jaw dropped and he quickly pulled it from the Pomeranian's little mouth. It was from one of the most beautiful memories in his life.

It was a picture of Jeongguk sitting by the fire, smiling brightly at him.


"Jeongguk stop it you're going to finish all the marshmallows!" Taehyung frowned as he watched the boy fill up the long wooden stick.

They had graduated high school and this was their last summer break before college. As usual they had decided to spend time with each other during their summer break. Their families had wanted to see them too, so they all decided to rent a large vacation home to spend the summer. The weather was always bright and sunny so the boys spent most days by the beach.

Their families had all gone to bed by now, but the best friends had come up with a plan to try and make s'mores.

"But I'm the one who payed for it so technically it's all mine," Jeongguk smirked, grabbing another marshmallow as he squeezed it on the little space left on the stick. Taehyung crossed his arms with a pout and looked away towards the ocean. Jeongguk sighed and took one off the stick.

"Fine," Jeongguk said as he grabbed the crackers and chocolate, "I'll make you one."

Taehyung let out a little 'yay' and ran to the boy sitting on the log. He threw his arms around his neck from behind and squeezed tight, making the dark haired playfully roll his eyes.

"Alrighty time to make a s'more for the prince," Jeongguk said in a playful accent. He placed the slightly tinted and hot marshmallow on the cracker and let the chocolate melt on top. He sandwiched it and held the s'more in front of the other's mouth before grabbing his own.

"Wait, I have to make a toast before we eat," Jeongguk said, wiping off the excess crumbed on his pants. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I hereby crown Taehyung as the prince of- uh- prince of... oh! Prince of the kingdom of cuteness! I shall wish him well as a prince and I hope he finds his princess soon. Let's make a toast!" Jeongguk proposed in a royal tone. They both clinked their treats and got ready to eat them before Taehyung stopped him.



"The marshmallow wasn't cooked enough by the way."

"Oh- uh sorry I should have left it to melt longer."



"Also, Gguk?"


"This prince doesn't really want a princess."

"Oh? What does he want then?"

"A prince."

Taehyung he had never seen a smile so wide in his life.

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