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Sounds of suitcase wheels scraped the concrete.

"Here we are!"

It was beyond surprising how they could go from the comfort of their homes to the beautiful contents of such a lovely retreat. Taehyung least expected that he would end up vacationing. He didn't even think that Jeongguk would agree so fast, but in no less then twenty-two hours they were now in another city.  It didn't take them too long to pack their bags pretty fast. Jimin had bought everyone these ugly floral vacation button ups. Everyone refused of course, but Jimin kept on insisting. They didn't want to endure his whining so they packed the shirts. Soon after, everyone met up at the airport. And now they were here, on vacation.

Jimin brought his suitcase to a halt, it fell over but he ignored it, "Everyone, welcome to Alstroemeria!"

"Al- Astro-"

"Woah this place is so pretty!"

"I regret coming here."

Jimin rolled his eyes and picked up his suitcase. He grabbed Yoongi's arm and began to drag him to the entrance. "Don't be a negative nancy Yoonie! Now c'mere. Taehyung, Jeongguk, follow us!"

"So this is Alstroemeria," Taehyung gaped at the beauty in front of him. The entrance was a metallic metal gate, dazzled by flowers of all sort. There were fountains full of water that were surrounded by petals and at the very top, a statue of a golden daisy flower stood. It was beyond gorgeous, and that was only the opening.

"Must be heaven for you, huh flower boy?" Jeongguk caught him in his daze.

"Yeah, really pretty."

"Welp! We better follow those two before we lose them. Your friend is way too excited, we should probably catch up now," Jeongguk grabbed his black suitcase in his left hand and grabbed the blonde's suitcase in his right.

"My suitcase wasn't too heavy you don't have to carry it for me Gguk."

"I know," Jeongguk smirked and then reached into the side of a suitcase and pulled out a purple polaroid. "But I figured you wouldn't want to miss the chance to do what you love to do."

Taehyung smiled before grabbing his camera, "T-Thanks."

"No problem, now I can barely see them but I think if we fast walk we'll get to them."

Jeongguk began vastly walking to find them, while Taehyung pulled open the camera from it's pouch. He gasped at the astonishing scenery and snapped pictures of every unique flower he could find. He snapped a picture of Jeongguk too. He smiled at the pictures he had taken and began to walk to catch up to the rest of the guys.


"Listen guys, I'm sorry. I thought I booked two rooms! I swear it was an accident."

The last thing they expected was that they'd all have to sleep in one space. The room wasn't small, not at all. It's just that it was a room for two people, not two rooms. There were two queen sized beds and one bathroom. Jimin wasn't the best when it came to being in control of things, and he'd already made a mistake.

"Jimin you literally said that you booked two rooms," Yoongi sighed and went to sit on their hotel room chair. "I thought you said they were supposed to give you two keys."

"They were supposed to! But they only gave me one, so I figured that maybe that meant it worked in the key hole of two doors," The platinum hair pouted and looked at the two beds in front of him. The red haired let out another groan and shadowed his eyes with his left arm.

"Well when you asked the receptionist what did you say?"

"I-I asked for a room for two."

Everyone sighed.

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