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Jeongguk was drowning in his own shadow.

The next day they ended up going to the park, this time with Minjae.

Kim Minjae is another one of the boys Jeongguk despised. During their childhood years, Minjae had moved into the same street as the two best friends. Minjae basically invited himself into their friendship, Taehyung being excited as he had wanted them to meet new people. Jeongguk on the other hand just needed Taehyung, he didn't need anyone else. He didn't want anybody else.

Minjae soon came with them everywhere.

All of the specially things they did when they were young were Jeongguk and Taehyung things. Soon, they became Jeongguk, Taehyung, and Minjae things. Jeongguk hated it. Not only did he hate the fact that he pushed himself into their friendship, he also practically stole his best friend away from him.

When they'd hang out, Minjae always had Taehyungs attention. Jeongguk just walked far behind.

Like the leftover contents on a dinner plate.

Jeongguk hated how easily Minjae intervened in their friendship. He hated how easily Taehyung forgot about him for the guy. He hated how their yearly special childhood summer was ruined by some random guy. Lastly, he absolutley hated how Minjae easily acted as if he did nothing.

Now, as usual Jeongguk was left in the dust, forgetten and unimportant. The two boys in front of him happily giggled and laughed, unaware of the sighing boy who trailed behind.

Just like childhood summer.

The air was a bit icy that night and the flowers on the trees were soon to fall, signaling that autumn was coming. People walked around with their families and spouses, gleaming up at the gorgeous bright lights that lay around the trees.

Every saturday was a good one with a view like this.

Taehyung and Jeongguk had always gone every day, no matter the weather. It could rain, snow, hail, but they'd still manage to enjoy the scenery. When thing's got stressful they always came to the park. They'd play silly games and be overtaken by laughter. It reminded them of their childhood. Just the two of them.

But now there were three.

Jeongguk looked at the boys in front of him. Laughing, smiling, giggling. They were talking about something he didn't know about. It didn't matter, really. All he knew is that they didn't need him. His presence wasn't important.

Sighing to himself, he looked back down at the ground. Some leaves had already fallen, the pink dying into a colorless shade. Jeongguk kicked around some of the tiny pebbles that scraped against the sidewalk. He kicked as he walked, discarding the ones that fell into the the sewer vents. Taehyung's laughter rang in his ears, making him smile sadly. He was jealous that those giggles didn't belong to him. He was jealous at the fact that he wasn't the one making his best friend laugh this time.

As the conversations continued, Jeongguk felt himself grow tired. He looked over at the food stands, the delicious smell filled the air. He barely ate dinner because the jealousy was eating at him instead. He contemplated leaving to go eat his feelings away, maybe. He looked at the pair in front of him. They were lost in their own bubble, drowning out everything around them.

It's okay, they probably won't even notice.

Jeongguk slipped out from behind them, making his way over to the tempting food stands. There was a short line, one person there actually. It was a girl, she wasn't short but she wasn't too tall either. Her hair was a little past shoulder length but bone straight. Bangs draped over her eyes. Her attire was pretty badass, Jeongguk would say. Black shorts and a black crop top. A leather jacket was draped over her shoulders and a she had on black combat boots. Her weight was leaning on one leg as she waited impatiently for her food.

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