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Time flew by since that winter festival. Taehyung and Jeongguk graduated high school followed by college and with no hesitation they decided to move into an apartment far into the the city. It was a one story apartment with an open concept and mighty astonishing city view, Taehyung's dream of staying in an aesthetically comforting home had come true. Looking at the city lights at night with Jeongguk became his favorite thing to do after work.

They also applied for jobs soon after graduating.

Jeongguk had some prior experience with cooking so he decided to apply for a job as a chef at a restaurant called 'Sugar & Spice.' The restaurant is known to be one of the best in the city. It's owned by one of the most famous professional chefs in Seoul, Kim Seokjin. Jeongguk was accepted unexpectedly fast, he was trained a little bit and then put out to serve customers the same week. It was hectic at first, but he got used to it.

Taehyung on the other hand was a florist. He had a love for pretty things so he fit the job just a little too perfectly. Jeongguk had recommended the place for him because he knew the boy had passion for flowers. When they were little, Taehyung and Jeongguk would always take this special pathway on their way to school. Taehyung would go on about the flowers and their meanings, he would even give some of them a new name. This job was fit for him.

They had side jobs too. Jobs that didn't really pay anything but were something the boys held passion for. On days when Jeongguk wouldn't have late night shifts he was a professional gamer. He held streams late at night, playing a whole bunch of games that his viewers would recommend. On the other hand, Taehyung had always loved photography. He was really good at capturing beautiful things at good angles. He'd often drag Jeongguk out on good weather days so that he could take pictures of him.


"Ggukie, did you eat the last pop tart?" Taehyung walked into their living room, a pout was evidence on his lips. He had on a long white shirt and some light peach colored shorts.

It was a Friday afternoon, the duo were relaxing.

Jeongguk groaned, looking up from his phone, "You know I don't eat pop tarts Tae."

"Oh, I forgot. But then why..." Taehyung tapped his fingers to his lips in confusion. "What happened to the last one? I don't see it."

"A ghost ate it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, throwing the remainder of the box at the youngers head. The box bounced off his head and onto the floor, crumbs sprawling all over the place. Taehyung smile faltered, he slowly looked over at Jeongguk and then reverted his gaze to the floor.

Taehyung stared nervously at the floor as he felt Jeongguk's piercing gaze on him.


"What..." Taehyung mumbled, kicking his foot at the ground. He often dropped things. It was either he was spilling cereal all over the place or he was dropping something. He was a bit clumsy. Jeongguk wasn't a clean freak, but he managed to keep things tidy and in order.

"What did I tell you about being more careful about things with crumbs?" Jeongguk put his phone down, leaning back into the couch with an amused look on his face.

"You told me that I shouldn't let them spill out of their containers.." Taehyung kicked the floor guiltily. The pout on his lips remained.

"Cute." Jeongguk mumbled under his breath.


"What? I just said 'Good.' Don't you remember me telling you to get your ears checked? Now you get on with cleaning the crumbs, I have a shift to get to soon. Is there anything specific you want me to make you for dinner? Or should I just make you your favorite?" Jeongguk walked over to his room, trying to find his uniform. He disappeared into his room.

His work uniform consisted of all black attire. His black hair was styled sideways. In addition, he wore a silky black dress shirt, a dark velvety rose sat in the shirt pocket. As for pants he wore black slacks. To top it off, he had on black dress shoes, a hint of gold ran around the sides. It was mandatory Sugar & Spice attire. To look expensive.

Jeongguk came out of his room, walking over towards their kitchen to search for his car keys.

Taehyung quickly followed him into the kitchen, "Oh- I forgot to tell you. Don't worry about cooking dinner for tonight."

Jeongguk stopped looking through their variety of keys and looked up, "Oh? Are you going somewhere?"

Taehyung smiled, his cute bread cheeks poking out. "W-well I have a date tonight..with Bogum."




Park Bogum.

Park Bogum is a successful model in Korea. He basically had everything. He lived in one of the biggest mansions in Seoul. He had all sorts of people to do things for him, but he was still firing people from left to right.The model had been hitting on Taehyung for a while, but he was still a dick. Well at least in Jeongguk's eyes.

Just the thought of him made Jungkook's blood boil.

Jeongguk cleared his throat, "W-Well then, I guess I'll just save making dinner for tomorrow night."

Taehyung rocked back and forth on his heels, "Yeah.. you do make dinner everyday so at least you get a break today!"

Jeongguk hummed in response, finally finding his keys and grabbing them quickly. He pulled his coat off the rack and made his way to the door.

With his hand playing with the door handle he looked over his shoulder, "A-Alright, be safe alright? Don't get into any trouble and make sure he t-treats you well. Let me know if you need me."

"Thanks Ggukie, you're the best. Have a good time at work!" Taehyung smiled, waving at his best friend.

Jeongguk smiled back, getting ready to walk out the door before Taehyung stopped him. Jeongguk looked at him, confused.

"I just wanted to say... if all goes well Bogum might be staying the night, so try not to make too much noise when you come back okay?"

He tried refraining from gritting his teeth. Instead he let out a small smile while nodding, "Sure."

Taehyung smiled in appreciation, making his way to his room.

Jeongguk quickly walked out. He shut the door behind him, trying to ignore the ache in his chest as he made his way to work.

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