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Being in love is the prettiest feeling isn't it?

Having someone fill your mind, feeling your heart flutter every time you see or think about them. It just seems so, easy.

Easy to love.

It's easy to enjoy the sensation of seeing the person you adore because they hold a place in your heart.

But what happens when they don't love you back?

What happens when you look at them like they hung up all the stars in the solar system and they look back at you just like every ordinary human? What happens when they're on your mind twenty-four seven but they only ever enter your mind once?

One sided love isn't easy.

Jeongguk knew a thing or two about that feeling.

Being in love with your childhood best friend isn't easy. It's like throwing a penny into a well. You can't tell me that all those wishes you threw in there came true. It's like trading in gold, for nothing in return.

Jeongguk remembered the first time his heart started beating for the older. It was a cold winter evening. A winter festival was being hosted at the center of the city. One of the biggest parks in Seoul. There were concession stands full of only the best of foods in Korea. Bright lights were slung all over the pink cherry blossom trees. Couples were putting the fallen petals in each others hair. The place was sheltered by brilliant light. Beautiful wasn't enough to describe this place. The view was captivating.

He wasn't paying attention to any of that though.

He was staring at his best friend, Kim Taehyung. He was running around like a maniac with a stupid chicken hat on his head.

Honestly, Jeongguk didn't even know what he was doing. Maybe some sort of chicken dance. All he knows is that the boy was having the time of his life. His boxy smile was out and his giggles filled the crispy air.

People were staring in at him in worry, probably thinking he was some drunk crackhead.

Jeongguk made Taehyung wear a chicken hat to the festival because he lost a bet the other day. He had to knock on their neighbor's door and ask them for a pack of condoms. As much as he's crazy the one in the friendship, there was no way in hell that he'd do that- the hat suddenly didn't seem so bad.

I guess you could say he chickened out.

Taehyung continued running around, his baby blue puffy jacket bouncing with every step he took. He starts circling around the trees, lightly slapping his hands against the rugged bark.

Jeongguk continued staring at his best friend, an amused look painted his face.

Taehyung's smiles and giggles transformed into a look of surprise and yelps as he felt his foot hook under the wire of one of the led lights. His body came in contact with the snow, an 'oof!' sound slipping out of his lips.

Jeongguk bursted into laughter, seeing his best friend sprawled out into the snow. His body was in the form of a star, face-first.

Taehyung didn't move.

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow, starting to build up a feeling of concern. He made his way over to the boy, standing above his, what looked like a lifeless body. He kicked Taehyung's leg.

He didn't move.

He began violently shaking the older's body.


The younger's heart started speeding up as his mind filled with thoughts of the worst. He began to call out his name.

"Tae? Taehyung? Are you dea--"

Suddenly Jeongguk felt a hand hook out and around his lower waist, hoisting his body down into the snow facing upwards. His vision was filled with the sky of stars before a fluffy blonde popped his head up afore him.

"BOO!" The giggly blonde sat up properly, face covered in crystalline specs.

"Oh my god. You almost scared me to death Tae! Do you know how worried I was? I really thought the worst happened..." Jeongguk was scowling at his best friend, pretending to be mad but obviously the other half of him was relieved that he was okay.

"I'm sorry.." Taehyung played with his purple-mittened fingers. He was smiling cheekily, trying to put up a guilty act.

"Whatever," Jeongguk shook his head in amusement, looking down at Taehyung's fidgety hands.

"Do you forgive me?" Taehyung giggled playfully, staring into the younger's eyes, asking for a plea of forgiveness.


"Ggukie look at me..."

Jeongguk raised his head up at the boy on his lap.

His heart fluttered, he didn't know why.

To say the view before him was captivating would be an understatement. The boy's honey blonde hair was a bit staticky, plummeting just above his almond shaped orbs. The twinkling stars in his eyes matched the pieces of snow layering his hair. His smile spread to his eyes, something that couldn't be traded for anything in the world. Staring at the sight in front of him, Jeongguk felt the small butterflies that nick-picked at his stomach, turn into unusually rapid beats in his heart.

At that moment, he started developing feeling for his best friend.

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