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One morning Taehyung woke up to Jeongguk in the kitchen. He was always usually in the kitchen, but as the boy started to ignore the blonde he was there less and less. Part of him was happy that he caught Jeongguk before the boy went out to do something else. The older wanted to confront him today, he wanted to find out what he'd done wrong.

The sounds of sizzling meat had filled the apartment and smoke rose. When Taehyung walked to the kitchen he saw a shirtless Jeongguk. He looked like he had been working out for the past few weeks. His abs were defined into six, his arms contained more muscle and his veins popped out around the lower part of his arms. The blonde stood there in surprise with his mouth slightly agape.

"Hey," Jeongguk mumbled as he flipped the meat to it's other side.

"Hey," Taehyung said back. For some reason he was starting to feel a little bit nervous. He was used to shirtless Jeongguk, but he wasn't used to ripped shirtless Jeongguk. That must've been what he'd been doing when he left their apartment all the time, going to the gym.

"Yours is over there," Jeongguk pointed to the meal on the table.

"Thanks..." Taehyung looked at the plate for a split second but then reverted his gaze towards the boy. Everything was just so strange now. Jeongguk didn't want to be around him anymore, he didn't talk to him anymore, and he was spending time with others more than him.

Jeongguk turned off the pan before he poured the cooked dish into a plate. He picked it up and started making the way to his room, that was until he felt Taehyung grab his arm. Jeongguk looked up into his eyes, and for once Taehyung felt a little flutter in his stomach.

"Uhm," Taehyung loosening his grip and looked away. "We haven't eaten together in awhile and I was wondering if you wanted to."


Jeongguk gulped a little bit but soon regained his posture.

"Sorry Taehyung I need to eat quickly because I have to go somewhere soon."

"Where are you going?" Finally Taehyung had managed to asked. The boy was never here anymore, he felt he was allowed to know why.

"Lisa needs my help with something."



The silence was awkward for both of them. It was was the closest interaction they'd shared in awhile.



"You're still holding my arm."

"Oh sorry."

The blonde loosened his arm in embarrassment. The dark haired boy mumbled in thanks and began to walk off to his room.

But Taehyung stopped him.


The said boy halted his steps. His eyebrow raised as if to show he was listening.

"Can you please just tell me what I did wrong?" Taehyung looked at the floor with his arms behind his back. It was nerve wracking to finally ask.

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk looked over to the window. By his body language the older could tell he knew what he was talking about. The blonde let out a sigh heavy with frustration.

"I don't even remember the last time we had a normal conversation. We don't even talk anymore."

"I don't know I just-"

"Is Lisa your girlfriend?"

"What?" Jeongguk's eyes had widened in shock. Of all question's he didn't expect that one. He almost let out a laugh as he remembered that the girl only liked women. He didn't want to embarrass the boy, so he kept it to himself.

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