Twenty Two

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"So you add a little bit of oil and there you go!"

Minju watched as Jeongguk poured some oil into a tiny glass side dish bowl. Out of boredom of waiting for their orders, he used some of the condiments to make chili oil.

"Damn you okay head chef, thats amazing! You really do need to give me cooking lessons, i'm serious!" Minju's eyes sparkled in admiration that he arranged that so fast.

"Being yelled at by Seokjin everyday does have some benefits," He laughed, placing the bowl to the side.

The four of them sat at a pretty lavender colored booth, Jimin and Minju shared a side while Yoongi and Jungkook shared the opposite one. The place was busy but quite a scene, with the white lights that outlined the tables.

They ordered their food once a waiter had attended them, and their food arrived shortly after.

Jeongguk put his spoon down, the little blonde popping into his head. He called him, wanting to check on him.


"Hi Gguk!"

He smiled, his heart feeling warm already. The boy sounded like he just woke up. "Hey Tae, how are you feeling? How are the vibes? On a scale of one to ten?"

The blondes laugh sang through the phone. "I'm feeling much better. Vibe check- hm.... nine out of 10."

"Oh that's a pretty high rating! I'm happy you're feeling better. Are you well rested? "

"I could definitely sleep one more hour but it's alright, I wouldn't want to miss vacation spent because of sleepyness. Where are you now?"

"We went out to eat since we were all so hungry. I ordered food to bring to you if you're hungry."

"Oh! With Yoongi and Jimin? I thought they went out to the resort shops for the night. Jimin was going crazy when he saw the amount of discounts they had."

Jeongguk picked up a spring roll and stuffed his mouth. "They came back early. Maybe Yoongi got tired of Jimin dragging him around and stopping at every cute item."

Jimin looked up from his food and sent a death glare, Jeongguk smiled cheekily. "But yeah, we're also eating with Minju. She recommended us the place so I asked if she wanted to tag along. She's been so kind to us this whole trip, so. "

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah, we'll be back soon."

"Yeah, well tell Minju I said 'hi'. I'll see you later Gguk."

"Bye angel."

He smiled to himself, everyone else's heads were buried in their meals. everyone at the table.


They walked Minju to the employee building, and then the three of them made it back to the hotel. When they opened the door the room looked like it'd just been replenished of all of the bedsheets and pillowcases.

Taehyung's body was spread across the bed, his hair tossled and a bit frizzy.

"Tae!" Jimin walked up to him, throwing a hug at him. Taehyung laughed lightly, reciprocating the action of affection. "The pastry shop was like heaven! It was full of everything cute, I loved it."

"I'd love to see it."

Jeongguk and Yoongi headed downstairs to grab extra towels for their room and Jimin sat down next to Taehyung, spreading out like a starfish.

"Mingi is super sweet, I wish you were there with us tonight Tae. Her shampoo smelled amazing, I think it was coconut and vanilla she used?"

Taehyung laughed, "I wish I was too, but we can eat out another day, I'll join you guys again."

"Good! I know you already met, but I feel like you and Mingi would get along really well. While we were eating I heard she's into some things you're into. She would do photography for family portraits and for her friends!" Jimin beamed.

"Oh really? That's pretty cool, I don't know if we'd hit it off that well though, we didn't really click much during the tour. I think she's sweet though!"

"Well, I can see why Jeongguk likes her, he's always loved your photography, and he made another friend who he can enjoy photography with too!"

A harmless sentence shouldn't make your heart sink to your stomach, right?

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