Twenty Four

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"Hello! Welcome to Petite Sweets, my name is Yuki. How may I help you today?"

Lisa looked down, scanning the pastel petite sweets that decorated the display case. All sorts of mini pastries, from mini cookies to mini cakes.

Remembering that note from the waitress, Rosé, gave to her at the ramen shop a while ago, she decided to take a look for herself. Lisa thought it was nice of her, and she was a lover of all kinds of sweets after all.

"Do you guys have anything without tree nuts in them?"

"Yeah!" The cashier said bubbly, pointing to a smaller display case on the left side. "All of the pastries on your left are free of tree nuts. We put them in a separate display case to avoid cross-contamination."

"Damn these pastries are so damn cute," Lisa beams at the bow shaped cookies with white pearls on them. "I might faint before I eat them."

She pointed to a pastel pink colored bow cookie, "I'll try that one, I need to add some color to my all black outfit."

Yuki nodded and adjusted her pastel blue and white striped apron and slid the display case open.

Lisa looked around, the place could be mistaken for a barbie house. Pastel pink, white, blue, and yellow splashes of color all over. There were milkshake displays and a large cupcake display near the entrance. Thinking back to the pink haired waitress that handed her that note, she definitely see how this place could cheer anyone up.

She must not have been working today or something.

"Okay! Your total is 2.99!"

Lisa payed and thanked the server and walked out door, the door chimes ringing in her ears. She unboxes the cookie and takes a bite out of it.

She moans.

The flavor was delectable, the flavors bursting in her mouth. She lets out another moan and shakes her head, whispering to her self, "When bunny boy is back in town, he's got to try this out."

She goes in for another bite and suddenly hears a voice nearby.

When she turns her head she sees a pink haired girl in a blue and white apron, squatting down on the phone with somebody. Her voice was like honey and she suddenly put turned her head to make eye contact with the silver haired gurl when she heard the sounds.


Lisa froze, embarrassed that she had been caught foodgasming. Rosé laughed, a bright smile appearing on her face. She then went back to talking on the phone.

"Grandma! Of course I'll bring you some muffins after the bake sale, I could never forget my number one customer. Yes, yes, bye, bye!"

Rosé stood up, dusting her pants off. "Hi! You look familiar, I remember you from the ramen shop."

Lisa nodded, "Yeah! I remember you too, especially after you approached me while I was being a wimp. Extremely embarrassing."

"Awww, you don't have to be embarrassed, we all have bad days sometimes don't we?"

"Yeah that's true."

It was silent for a little bit, the sound of birds chirping and the door chiming could only be heard. They smiled at each other, Rosé's smile was so bright that it could practically be twinning with the sun. Her eyes smiled along with her. Lisa smile couldn't help but smile back at her.

"I'm Lisa by the way," Lisa introduced herself to the girl, extending her arm out to shake her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Lisa, I'm-"


Rosé nodded, smiling again. "Yes! I see you got my note, how do you like your cookie? You seemed very pleased with it."

Lisa scratched her head, embarrassed. Being caught foodgasming was really embarrassing. Rosé saw her practically seeing heaven over a cookie. "Yeah, it was good. Thank you for the note I really loved it! Definitely embarrassed you caught me enjoying that cookie a little too much."

The pink haired laughed, "Don't be embarrassed! I'm glad you liked it! You should have seen me the first time I tried our cupcakes my first day on the job, I practically cried!"

The silver haired laughed at that in disbelief, "Damn! Well thank you for introducing me, I can see myself coming here very often. Especially after a stressful day. Or everyday, because I love eating unhealthy."

"Who doesn't, right?" Rosé says, "Well it was nice to meet you Lisa, definitely come anytime you're feeling down, and bring your friends too!"

Lisa nodded, they said their goodbyes and Rosé walked into the shop for her shift.

Lisa slipped her hands into her leather jacket pocket, admiring the pretty shop.

This place really suits her.

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