Chapter 26-Locked Out

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*Harry's POV*

I finally here the golf cart coming around the corner and I saw Jenny holding a Starbucks. She came to a stop in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness you actually got coffee!" I laughed totally looking astonished.
"What I said I had my ways." She rose her eyebrows and made a funny face making me laugh.
"Want a drink?" She asked as I sat done next to her.
"Sure." I smiled at her and took a sip. It was really good and refreshing. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was from rehearsing.
"Hey I said a drink not the whole thing!" She laughed and pulled it back.
"Ok how'd you get this? I have to know." I asked her having my eyebrows furrowed but in a good way.
"I didn't get it. This really sweet girl gave it to me. Her name is Cora and she wants you to follow her on Twitter, and I said you would cause she gave me coffee." Jenny laughed and handed me this small piece of paper from her pocket. I was amazed how she could multitask all this while driving. It kinda had me worried.
"Oh I first I thought you actually found back roads." I laughed as I typed Cora's Twitter username into the Twitter search bar.
"So how was rehearsing?" She asked me looking at me quickly before she looked back at the road or the pavement she was driving on.
"It was good. Messed around almost the whole time, but we got it done." I laughed and smiled thinking of how Louis poured a whole bottle of water on Liam.
"Sounds fun." She smiled. I could see we were getting close to where the patch of fans were and I wasn't looking forward to the screaming.
"Yeah but I got a headache, is there a way to go around the gate where the fans are?" I asked rubbing my temples.
"Yeah. I think." She laughed and turned behind a big dumpster.
"What did you do while we were at sound check?" I asked her.
"I drove around and talked to the fans and called my friend and yeah." She laughed again. I'm glad she was in a good mood. It made me happy.
"Oh I have head ache medicine! In my bag just dig around." She said and handed my her bag.
"Thank you! I'm dying right now." I laughed a little and started digging around in her bag. I finally grabbed a pill bottle and pulled it out.
"What's miodol?" I asked as I read the label.
"Oh not that it's a different bottle." She said rather quickly.
"Ok..but what is that?" I asked actually wanting to know.
"It's girly medicine." She replied. I didn't bother replying as I finally found the headache medicine and for the fact that I go the hint on 'girly medicine.'
"Can I drink Some of your coffee to take it?" I asked hoping she'd say yes because my head was about to explode.
"Yeah of course!" She said smiling. I took a drink and swallowed the pills and soon started feeling better.
"Uhh I think we're out of gas or the battery died." Jenny said as the golf cart stopped but I thought it was on her own accord.
"That's not good cause I don't feel like walking." I said leaning back in the seat.
"I don't either cause you know my knee and stuff." She said leaning back in her seat too.
"Could we call Paul?" She asked and looked at me pulling out her phone.
"We could try I tried calling him to pick me up but he didn't answer." I said dialing Paul's number. After a few rings he finally picked up I told him what happened, but he said he was with Liam and Niall and can't get us.
"Sorry Jenny looks like we're walking." I said as I hung up.
"Uhhhhhh." She sighed but got out reluctantly.
"It won't be that bad were close to the bus." She said and put her bag over her shoulder.
"Yeah we'll make it." I laughed.

About 20 minutes pass and were finally insight of the bus.
"We've arrived!" She partly yelled.
"We deserve some beer!" I said as a reward as I opened the door or tried to, it didn't budge.
"No! We can't be locked out!" She said and put her head against the door.
"I'm gonna melt it's so hot out here." I said. I
cringed at myself because what I said was really stupid.
"Do you have a key?" She asked looking hopefully at me.
"No....Paul doesn't trust us with keys." I laughed she did too.
"Uh well we're gonna be stuck out here for awhile." She said sitting down trying to get some shade from the shadow of the bus. I took a seat beside her a little surprised at how cool the bus was it felt good against my back. Jenny and I started talking to pass the time.


Well this is kinda a filler chapter expect more in the soon to come :)))) love you thanks for sticking with this story and loving it ((hopefully as much as I do))


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